alright, been at boat for awhile, and seems to get better, but still has a whitish look. The boats green, and when using stuff, my apllicator pad turns green, let stuff sit-up, then wipe, still whitish. Think it has serious sun cancer. From what DCKD mentions, leaning on using the Maguires, rather than "hull cleaner'. Was goin right now, for "Starbrite", but dont think its "crud" on it. What you guys think?
If your applicator is turring green it is because the dried gel coat is coming turns kinda powdery which cause that whitish/cloudy look. The oxidization remover and polish will take off the layer of damaged gel coat. One you have done that give it a coat or two of the paste wax....the stuff goes on thick and lasts. The pervious owner probably never did anything to maining the look of this boat. It will look great...all you have to do once that is done is keep giving it regular coats of wax to make sure no more damage is caused. Trust me...once you do this it will look great.