I used a few different meguiars products. First I washed with the Oxidation remover (they have too...a mild and a heavy duty one, the mild did it for me) and then washed with the premium boat wash...any boat wash will do I am sure. I finished this up with the meguiars polish and their marine paste wax. This did an amazing job...looked just like new and this was on a maroon ski.
All together these products will cost you a bit of money...im sure you could leave out the polish if you wanted to save a bit of money there. I got all this stuff from a local hardware shop but you can also buy it online.
I am not sure what other companies make this stuff but Iam sure there are some....this is what was available to me and it worked wonders. I wish we took before and after pics. If you go ahead and try this take some pics for everyone to see.