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I found it!!

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so some of i have been looking for a new ski. and yesterday i found it. its a 96 xp non-running (its the lanyard). the best part is it comes with a new trailer with new tires and bearings and.... a 93 spx that is running and in mint condistion for......1200!! thanks for you guys help and everything. 6 months ago all i knew that my gts ran by some magical force lol
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I did the fuel feed lines only, not the return or vent. I took about 18 feet. I bought 12 feet to start with and had to go back for more.
ok pics coming soon but i picked up the skis to day and have now had time to tinker with them a bit. the xp used to have a water leakage problem, that part was left out till they had the cash in their hands, but what the ski does is:
1 i put dess on post
2 two beeps
3 all gauges come up and on including vts
4 press start button, starter does not activate. battery light on gauge panel comes on.

the starter will turn by jumping the soilniod and the battery is band new. also vts just clicks and smokes a bit. i unpluged it just to make sure that was the problem. so what do you guys thing i'm dealing with?
Prob bad solenoid.

If the leakage isnt coming from the pipe, or the driveshaft...I have found the seals on the white thru hull outlet fitting above the pump inside the hull dry rot and leak pretty bad on the 96 XPs.
the leak was from the out water out port on the bottom of the motor. PO spent 1500 before i bought it getting that fixed. he took it out the next weekend and it just quit on him in the water. i'm going to go tinker on it tonight and see what i get. i've just never had the 2 "go beeps" and then nothing go to the motor. its just weird to me lol.
yea, im wondering what happened too, as i'm betting it was the mpem...i had the SAME exact issue after jumping my ski from a car (dummy)...jumped solenoid, and it worked, etc, but i had to replace mpem...luckily i had a spare with my other hull...
So what happened???????

What was the fix?

ahh, another old thread that needs an ending. Well since I believe PurplePeopleEater said he was going to Iraq for a year, I doubt he'll be replying real soon so I'll tell ya'll what happened.

So this one day these 3 bears were walking along the lake and they came across this jet ski sitting at the dock. Now the bears always wanted to ride a jetski but they couldn't get it to start. So the papa bear looked around and found some tools and he got the ski running but it was running to lean. So next the mama bear worked on the ski but then it was running too rich. So finally the baby bear worked on the ski and then it was running just right. So the three bears spent the rest of the afternoon riding the jetski. After a couple hours they started to get hungry and saw this girl with long flowing golden locks of hair just walking along the shore. So they parked the ski and went running after the golden haired girl.

Just as the bears ran off after the girl with the golden locks, PurplePeopleEater arrives home from work and heads right down to the dock to work on his new jetski that he couldn't get started the day before. He sees the tools laying around and says "someone's been working on my jetski". Well he pushes the start button and to his surprise the ski fires right up. He hops on and it runs perfect. Now he's scratching his head wondering who fixed his jetski but being one to not look a gift horse in the mouth, he just smiles and rides for the rest of the day then heads home to eat some poridge.

Now I bet you're wondering what happened with the 3 bears and the golden haired girl. Well, when she saw the bears coming after her she ran and ran and ran but they finally caught her and ate her. After eating her, the 3 bears were sitting there just licking their chops and saying how the girl tasted sweeter than honey.

Turns out the golden haired girl enjoyed being eaten by the 3 bears so much that she got up and gave them each a big hug and she went to live with them in their cave and they lived happily ever after.

I promise last time the next thread would end with 3 bears :)

Next time ya need an ending I got a great story about an axe murderer.
good to hear he is well in Iraq. Bet my version of the story was better.

wow dude you got quite the imagination. no i'm not in iraq, sorry.

anyway its was the soilnoid. there is a signel line for the mpem that has to go thought the soilnoid. if that signel is lost, the wire breaks solenoid goes bad ect... the engine will run for 30 seconds and then die.
wow dude you got quite the imagination. no i'm not in iraq, sorry.

anyway its was the soilnoid. there is a signel line for the mpem that has to go thought the soilnoid. if that signel is lost, the wire breaks solenoid goes bad ect... the engine will run for 30 seconds and then die.

sorry PPE, I got confused. It is Nemrod811 that is in Kuwait. I'm not good with maps, I often confuse Western Nc and Iraq.
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