Exactly what I wanted to hear!... so, it was kinda hard to get back on it? even with the 3 up... wow so the 2 up for a fat guy like me would be tough..
So why did it take you 30 seconds? Did you get the reboarding step?, which is not bad, but just want to know... also, please post pictures!
Just to update on this post.. I was out today and got thrown off for the first time in 10 hours of riding.. Playing around in a 40ftrs wake and miss judged a bit, flew off side ways.. Anyway I hadn't practiced getting back on in deep water yet so it was a first.. First attempt, used the reboarding step, grabbed the rear handle, pulled myself up then used the strap on the seat to slide up, I didn't realize at the time but the lanyard/key had got caught In The boarding step, being attached to my PFD it was holding me back from going any further, so I bailed back into the water.. I then waited and relaxed for a couple of minutes, tucked the lanyard into the top of the PFD and gave it another shot, up and on no problems.. The ski did become a bit unstable once the foot wells fill up, but as long as your weight is centered all is ok, I just got myself onto the seat as quick as possible.. The platform on the 3 up made it easier for me, I ended up on my knees then got onto the seat., I think after a bit of practice I'll have it mastered..