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I’m Fed Up With DESS

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New Member
I have been having problems with my key for over a year on my ’96 GTI. I got a new key & the guy went to program it & said MPEM was OK but he couldn’t program that model. I already know about all the beeps & what they mean. I know how to wire the start/stop & safety cutoff switch. All I need to know is “can I power the CDI or does it need a controller? And will my battery be charged without the MPEM?” I didn’t want to start putting power to CDI & end up burning something up.
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Well….since you have the 720 engine… all you have to do is pull the wire off the cdi that goes down to MPEM, and your engine will run.

BUT… the MPEM controls the power to everything, and has the rev limiter in it. If you are good with electronics… you can bypass the entire MPEM. You need to wire up a couple relays to the magnetic switch in the lanyard post, to turn on the power, and to be safe… you will need an aftermarket rev limiter.

This won’t work on the 800 and larger engines since the CDI is actually talking to the MPEM, but you can buy the MSD ignition to bypass it.

Good luck
I have already disconnected wire from coil that goes to MPEM leaving wire hooked up from CDI to coil. Didn’t get a spark. There are four wires from CDI. Don’t I need to supply the CDI with power since I am eliminating MPEM?
Guess this is over everyone's heads... either that or Sea Doo won't let anyone tell me. Crap! It's just a motor... I have done a lot of bench tests on motors, had 'em runnin' on the bench or on the floor & never had to have a stupid DESS key. All I need to know is what voltage to give the CDI & what wire, without burning something up. I can handle the rest of the install. It's not rocket science.

Sorry... didn't mean to get an attitude but over a year now & all I have heard is clean yur key, count yur beeps, check yur fuse, check yur battery... I guess if "I can afford the gun, I should be able to afford the bullets." In other words take it to the dealer & pay more than its worth to repair it. GREAT SKI BUT NEVER AGAIN
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I have a really hard time believing that your dealer can't program the key for it, or tell you what is wrong. Take it to another dealer. Why do you think that your lanyard is at fault?

Wasn't a dealer, just a dude that works on em all the time & has a programer. Said mine was the 1st one he couldn't program. Confirmed my key was bad. BTW I checked on the MSD Total Loss & no longer available. Non on Ebay either. Sure would be nice if I could just slip my Yamaha key into place & ride without worries.
Guess this is over everyone's heads... either that or Sea Doo won't let anyone tell me. Crap! It's just a motor... I have done a lot of bench tests on motors, had 'em runnin' on the bench or on the floor & never had to have a stupid DESS key. All I need to know is what voltage to give the CDI & what wire, without burning something up. I can handle the rest of the install. It's not rocket science.

Sorry... didn't mean to get an attitude but over a year now & all I have heard is clean yur key, count yur beeps, check yur fuse, check yur battery... I guess if "I can afford the gun, I should be able to afford the bullets." In other words take it to the dealer & pay more than its worth to repair it. GREAT SKI BUT NEVER AGAIN

It's a CDI... the coil in the engine makes the power for it... no input voltage needed. All the MPEM does is ground that wire to kill, or control the RPMs.

I have already disconnected wire from coil that goes to MPEM leaving wire hooked up from CDI to coil. Didn’t get a spark. There are four wires from CDI. Don’t I need to supply the CDI with power since I am eliminating MPEM?
Your CDI only has 3 wires. (besides the spark plug wires) 2 of them are black. They are both grounds. There is one that is black/red… that goes from the mag coil to the CDI. On that wire… there is a tap going to the MPEM. Remove the tap wire, but leave the CDI connected to the coil. If you do that… it will run.

The thing with 4 wires is your rectifier. (to charge your bat)

Last thing… if you are asking for help… don't get a tude. People will help when they can. So, good luck, because I’m done. Since it’s not rocket science… you shouldn’t need our help.
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Hey "Doc", Like I said "Sorry". It's been a long battle. You make it sound simple & I will try it again.
Ok here's da scoop. Doc was right. I questioned what he said cause he told me I had 3 wires from CDI but I have 4. But it runs now & I just need to finish some wiring. I will be using the START/STOP as a STOP button only & but a start button somewhere that it wont get pushed by mistake. The way it looks I still have a charging system if I leave the right wires hooked to the MPEM. I will need to keep an eye on that & make sure I still have a voltage reg. Can wire one in later if need be. No rev limiter tho. Gotta be careful at the top end. But at least I'm down to bear bones, no frills like my Pro VXR & less hassles. Didn't want to go to a dealer... they are rapists around here.

If anyone talks to Doc, tell him I'm eatin crow right now. But it looks like I'm back on track...
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