qstorm, excellent delivery and pictures on the process of re-building carbs. I'd like to see you edit the post to include citation as to the person(s) or corporation as to who or where this originated, this way, copyright infringement may not occur in the forum. Normally, a company such as Mikuni will not pursue such matters, but if the written words of someone else is personal, they may.
One other thing. The high speed screw doesn't show the plastic cap. What happened to it? Do you remove that yourself? In the manual, the high speed screw is really not adjustable and can't be removed without taking that cap off. The manual recommend you not take that cap off, it's preset at the factory and only gives the user the ability to "fine tune" it by 1/4 turn either way. Playing with the high speed screw is very dangerous to leaning out at high speeds, and it only takes 1/8th of a turn to lean out to cause sever if not permanent engine damage.
So, while I love the effort and all the work involved in what you've presented, you do say you aren't the author, please cite the person or web-site this work came from so I can refer to it for further questions.
Thanks in advance and great job!