New Member
Hello, I need help. A month an half ago I rebuilt the carbs myself, I'm very mechanical oriented but is the first time I worked on seadoo engines. The boat ran good for 1/2 hour then one of the engines stall and did not want to start again. I took it home and replaced the heat sensor since the one on that engine I discovered was broken, I also replace the spark plugs and after a while got it going. Following week, took it to the river and ran good for 15 min, then engine stall again. I was able to fired it again but revs didn't go higher than 3500 rpms. When I try to start it yesterday it won't start and the mpem is beeping after awhile trying, I took the key out and put it back in an try again until start beeping again but not after a while of trying. Is it carbs? Voltage rectifier? The whole mpem? Forgot to mention that the other engine runs like a champ.