I've recently picked up a 1996 GSX. Everything on it (other than the battery and possibly the VTS motor) is original and it has 147 hours on it. The first time I had it out this year it ran reasonably well. It was a bit rough in the bottom end but the plugs were in need of a change.
Last weekend I had problems getting it up onto a plane. I changed the plugs and it seemed to run well the first time I had it out. I think it might have just been good timing and not actually the plugs. It starts with no problems and seems to idle well. When I give it some gas it starts to chug and almost sounds like it's not detonating properly. Sort of muffled. If I back off and hit it again a couple of times I can get it going and it runs strong at WOT from that point on. Nice and smooth in the top end. I did notice that in the first minute or two of getting it up to full speed it hiccupped a couple of times and felt like it was going to stop. It seems like it runs better the longer it's been running.
I've been reading through the forums here looking for similar issues and it looks like it could be a number of things. From what I've pieced together:
1. I do have the original gray gas lines. I'm planning on replacing these next weekend if I can.
2. The spark plugs do not appear to be fouled. The old ones I took out were chocolate brown and the new ones were whitish brown after running for about 30 minutes.
3. I've read that a bad rectifier could cause similar symptoms. I'm going to try pulling the fuse next weekend and running it.
I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to this but it feels like a fuel delivery issue. Does anybody have any other suggestions as to what might be causing this? Dirty carbs? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Last weekend I had problems getting it up onto a plane. I changed the plugs and it seemed to run well the first time I had it out. I think it might have just been good timing and not actually the plugs. It starts with no problems and seems to idle well. When I give it some gas it starts to chug and almost sounds like it's not detonating properly. Sort of muffled. If I back off and hit it again a couple of times I can get it going and it runs strong at WOT from that point on. Nice and smooth in the top end. I did notice that in the first minute or two of getting it up to full speed it hiccupped a couple of times and felt like it was going to stop. It seems like it runs better the longer it's been running.
I've been reading through the forums here looking for similar issues and it looks like it could be a number of things. From what I've pieced together:
1. I do have the original gray gas lines. I'm planning on replacing these next weekend if I can.
2. The spark plugs do not appear to be fouled. The old ones I took out were chocolate brown and the new ones were whitish brown after running for about 30 minutes.
3. I've read that a bad rectifier could cause similar symptoms. I'm going to try pulling the fuse next weekend and running it.
I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to this but it feels like a fuel delivery issue. Does anybody have any other suggestions as to what might be causing this? Dirty carbs? Any help is greatly appreciated.