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heat sensor and low oil sensor alarms overideing my digital guage!

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97 seadoo gtx heat sensor and low oil sensor alarms overideing my digital guage!

:confused:ive a 97 sea doo gtx, heat sensor and low oil alarm are going off on digital guage but i know that the engine is not getting hot, and the oil is full to the rim. the sensor going off over rides the rest of my digital guages so i have nothing, but the ski runs great! cant be a bad heat sensor cause ive tested to make sure its open and it is... alarm is ALWAYS on and never shuts off. can anyone help me troubleshoot?
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Is the temp sensor and oil sensor shorted out? Check to see if the wiring is burned and joined causing a short between the wires going to each one. it might be the wires in the harness touched the exhaust or chaffed and shorted out check the harness out real good.
Keep us posted on your progress.

well, ive been checking all the wireing and from what i can see, all the wireing looks great. theres not even any corrosion and all the connectors are well greased. the previous owner took very good care i think. however, i was told the top end of engine was rebuilt, and chips on the paint around major parts bolting to engine leads me to believe this. perhaps maybe something wasnt hooked up correctly? but ive traced the wires and all seems good :( frustrateing... ill def check more around the hot spots and under engine tho, much thanks for the tip, greg
It might be that both sensors are bad...but both at the same time seems kinda funny if you know what I mean. Check out the sensors after checking the wiring.

Keep us posted on your progress.

well... thats the way i bought the ski so i dont know if they went out at the same time... but it cant be the heat sensor because i tested to make sure its open and it is... so it shouldnt be setting off the alarm. another idea i had was maybe the oil sensor went out and because of that, perhaps the computer is telling it that its also overheating (or going to) because theres no oil going to the engine (which there is).... haha if that makes any scense. def going to look more at wireing though.
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Either way you need both sensors just in case a problem exists.
I'll check the wiring for the 97GTX when I'm on my puter to see if there is something else for you to check out. I believe that a dealer could test the MPEM,( Multi Purpose Electronic Module) to see if it is working properly. Check out what you can ahead of time.

You really might want to sign up for the manual in the premium section. That way it will give you all the information first hand. I think I left you information on the "Premium Membership" in another post.

thanks so much for your motivation to help. i would subscribe now, but im in a cash bind from buying me ski the day before yesterday. it MORE than broke me, but im glad i did :) ill have to sighn up next month but i LOVE the forum site, definatly helpful. do you know of a good website i can buy parts for my seadoo? and... im not sure where the nearest seadoo dealer is but when i can ill def have the mpem tested if i dont figure this out. thanks much

Thermostat ?

You keep mentioning a thermostat that is open and therefore O.K.
Your ski doesn't have a thermostsat.

P.S. Is your ski a RFI or carb?
Greg the manual cost $10.95 for a month at a time subscription. You can use pay pal and at the end of the month before it renews cancel it at paypal. You can view any manual in the library or download it and print it off for your own personal and private use.

As for parts, Click on the "parts" link at the top of the page or in my avatar. Just click on your make and model in the description box and click on order...good prices and quick shipping for our members.

It is a Temp.sensor...that makes contact internally when it is heated and expands...to make a ground connection.
hey rip..mine had same problem, so disconnected the wires at temp sensor and still beeped, so, next outing disconnected the gas wiring plug, and wham, no more beep, figured since gauge read empty, my baffle is messed up,in turn, reading empty, caus'n the alarm to sound.
really? ill definatly try it, but, what ur sayin is to disconnect the fuel tank wire harness, and it it will take care of the beeping for the high temp and low oil? so what was wrong with yours, the fuel sensor? (causeing high temp and low oil to be set off?) sort of confused... sorry...
ive tried disconnecting all different plugs and i get the alarm still.... its not a beep however, just flashes on the guage *high temp* *low oil* and the red light flashes beside the yellow triangle ! warning symbol.... maybe my buzzer is broken too :( :confused:
really? ill definatly try it, but, what ur sayin is to disconnect the fuel tank wire harness, and it it will take care of the beeping for the high temp and low oil? so what was wrong with yours, the fuel sensor? (causeing high temp and low oil to be set off?) sort of confused... sorry...

Bad fuel sendng unit/baffle. Unplugged it, kept wires attached to temp sensor, and now, no prob. Think'n, the warning buzzer sound,..beep, beep, beep, beep..etc, has an effect on temperature, low fuel, oil,..etc.
So, just keep boat filled up...
ya i tried unhooking fuel sending unit and keeping it full also... didnt effect anything :( thanks though... perhaps ill try again though.
anyone else have any ideas? :( has anyone heard of haveing to "reset" the multi guage from haveing a dead battery? someone mentioned that to me...
high temp and low oil.......unplug the oil wire plug and unplug the temp sensor wire from sensor, see what happens, if still goin off, gotta be corrosion somewhere..
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