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GTX DI 951 - New Pistons - Coated or Not?

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Premium Member
Premium Member
OK, I've got the engine out of my 2002 GTX DI 951 and it's time to buy some parts...

For the pistons - do I want coated (WSM platinum) or uncoated? I will need to have the cylinders punched 1.00mm over.

@etemplet or @pantaloonz - you two seem to be DI guru's - thoughts?

I get the cheap ones. :D :D and I'm not guru.... LOL I just been in a lot of battles and I love it !! :)

I'd get the machine work done locally. These online out of state vendors can be a lot of trouble. Chance are you have more than one local. Good Luck !!
I will get the machine work done locally, albeit expensive - $130/hole.

There is an ebay'er that has WSM crank, gaskets & choice of pistons for $800. Seems about as reasonable as I have seen.

I've only popped the head, seems I lost a ring at the exhaust port, mag cylinder.

Figured that since the motor is out, may as well do the bottom end too.
Boring is about $60 a cylinder in my area. Just make sure you have an engine shop do it. A general machine shop would have a lot of trouble boring the cylinders. They don't have the proper equipment. I can bore single cylinders in my lathe but but I machined a mandrel and they bolt up like they do on the engine. I have a buddy that bores mine for me and I've payed to get them bored locally. When I get them home I take special care to file the ports. Nice to be able to have my cylinders bored, honed and ready to install in a couple of hours if needed. :D Very handy. Good Luck !!
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