So I got these 3 winterized today, did things a little bit differently this year, I used the Winter Proof Marine antifreeze for the first time instead of the pink Winter Proof. I used to always use a funnel and pour the antifreeze while running but this year I used a drill driven pump to pump the antifreeze into the water exit fitting on the cylinder cover as if I was flushing it. Noticed a few things of concern, on the 97 GSX I noticed that the black rave caps where a little cracked right at the top where the metal clips hold them in place, also noticed oil in the hull which I think is leaking from the seam of the oil tank and 2 tiny air bubbles in one of the small oil lines, ALWAYS SOMETHING LOL. On the 99 GSXRFI I’ve noticed the starter button is a little glitchy. On the one picture I posted of the 99 GSXRFI driveline, is that the wear ring set up? Or the carrier bearing set up? Oh well, there can be problems with new machines just as easily as these old girls.