Gas question.

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New Member
I would like to know what would could mess up if you use the cheapest gas with 87 octane to your jet ski?... Does it really matter? ...Or do you need to use the best gas only for Fuel injection jet ski and not carb jet ski's?
Is there a recommendation in your manual?

Do you guys have E-10 down there?
If so, I would be running 89 or 93 octane.

Ethanol can draw moisture out of the air and having water in the fuel will lower the octane rating of the over all gas. If you are starting at the bottom, you have no where to go.
It is cheap!

Since you are paying $3.30 for regular, it is only another 20 cents for premium. It is cheap insurance to have better gas in there.

Yes, 3.50 sounds like a lot per gallon, but compared to the 3.30 for regular, it isn't much more. What is that, a DOLLAR per TANK? On a 25 dollar tank?

Now, this may show my age, but I remember filling up my dirtbikes with 80 cent regular, and super was REALLY expensive, like 89 cents!!!! That was almost 10% more expensive. It is now only about 5% more expensive.

Go premium...

Cheap insurance...:rant:
Ya.. The manual says use regular gas. And down here.. i wish it was $3.50.. Not even the regular gas is 3.50.. its around 3.57 .. most expensive is 3.77 up to 4 bucks.
Well, between the time I wrote that last night, and the time i see the gas prices this morning, they just MIGHT be up to $4.00 here too...:ack:
It is best to use what is recommended for gas. 89 octane gas is the recommended. Just because it is "Premium" doesn't mean it is better. The different is the octane rating. Seadoo's are meant to run on regular 89 octane. anything higher is wasted as the engine is designed to run on 89. If you have a high compression engine it needs "premium" to reduce pinging and pre-ignition.

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