Hello all, I have a 2002 GTX DI and I just had a new voltage regulator installed on it Yesterday by a licensed seadoo shop...Now the shop is telling me that the gas pressure dips up and down frequently, goes from 110 psi to 80 psi etc.etc. and won't stay at a steady number above 100 psi like it should. They didn't do a lake test, but I am going out later on today to try it out for myself...They tell me I need a new fuel pump, unfortunately I have a bad taste in my mouth since the new ones go for over $600.00. I just wanted to check out on here first before I go out and buy a new pump if there could be anything else, Im sure the dealer is the first to say that it needs a pump because they make money off of it but im a bit unsure since I didn't have that problem when I brought it in to them. The engine is BRAND new, only about 2 hours on it, everything has been replaced. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.