I have been doing research on the E85 now for about a month and from everything I'm finding out from very reputable sources that this fuel is going to cause more damage to the 2 stroke engines than all others.
Without devulging all my research before I have come to a conclusion, the biggest problem is that alcohol and gas/oil do not mix. The ethanol has a problem with attracting moisture and as we all know, water and oil do not mix.
So, if you have a 2 stroke motor that mixes oil for lubricating and combustion, the moisture content in the E85 is going to be very harmful to your oil/fuel ratio, displacing the lubricating qualities of the oil with the non friction, rusting qualities of water.
The E10 is not suppose to be as bad, which is what most fuel stations are using now. But, they will be mixing 85 in the near future.
Ford and Honda are two of the major automakers that have identified this problem and now instituting changes which make the vehicle FFV (flex-fuel vehicles). Once the FFV vehicles are well established, the E85 may turn out to be a well received fuel.
The very last point I'll touch base about is the idea that the biofuels are environmentally friendly. This is actually so far from the truth that it will eventually get a bad wrap from the environmental groups. Although burning the fuel has a smaller carbon footprint in the environment, making it does not. There is more CO2 released into the atmosphere during the process of making the biofuel than there is making it's counterpart, gasoline.
Please stay tuned to "snipes korner" for a full thread on the topic of the biofuel process along with the Nation trying to implement this as an alternative to the fossil fuel problems of carbon pollutants.