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New Member
Found a blown 3 AMP fuse in the MPEM today and tried to find the diagram in the owners manual and shop manual to no avail!
Can someone point me in the right direction and tell me where this magical diagram is, or somewhere on the forum? I've searched the other threads and found nothing.
Anyone else have this issue?
Thanks again to all of you that help us PWC "challenged"...my learning curve is moving up rapidly, however!!! :cheers:

(2) 2000 XP's
(1) running & (1) not-so running!
correct me if i'm wrong, but shouldn't there be a 5 amp fuse there?

you should be able to find it in the members section, btw
yes, there's a 3A, 5A, 10A, and a few more (without going out to look) I could find NO diagram of the fuses themselves, but did find one small blurb that mentions each one individualy...and now I can't find it!!! grrrrrrr...:ack:
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