Fun Fact of The Day


Well-Known Member
Factoid #1:

"Electricity is the flow of electrons. Voltage (measured in volts) is the pressure that is pushing the electrons. The number of electrons flowing is the amperage (1 amp is when 6,241,000,000,000,000 electrons flow past a point in a second).

Resistance (measured in ohms) is the resistance being offered to the flow of electrons. The relationship between these three quantities is called Ohm's Law: Volts = amps X ohms. Running current through a component causes the pressure to drop. Voltage measured before and after the current goes through a component will show a voltage drop."
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Do you need to make any adjustment's to Ohm's Law when in the vincinity of the lady on your ski?
Factoid #2: Why does old gear oil smell so bad

Most of us have experienced the awlful smell of old gear oil when changing it in the pumps on our skis, but why does it smell so bad?

"Up until 1972, transmission and gear oil used whale oil as a lubrication enhancing additive (friction modifier). It was so effective that the oil in many transmissions and rear ends never required changing. 30 million pounds of whale oil was used every year as a result. After 1972, the industry switched to other natural additives like tallow or lard oils, but they were not nearly as effective as whale oil because they couldn't handle the heat and broke down as a result. Premature transmission and rear end failures were a result. Now, liquid wax esters, derived from vegetable oils are the most used additive. These have very similar properties to the whale oil. That is why the stuff smells like it does. It is basically rancid grease."
Word Origin

This is my first post on this thread and it's already bending the forum rules, just a little bit.

Back in the early days of America, most goods were shipped between the Colonies by ship. One of the things shipped was manure which was used as fertilizer.

Also back in the 1700's most commodities were shipped in wood barrels. When the barrels of manure were stored in the hold of the ship, the methane gas would escape from the barrels and be contained in the hold. So when a ship hand would go into the cargo hold to check on the shipment with a lantern or candle, the ship would explode.

It didn't take our forefathers too long to figure out not to store the manure in the ships hold, that things went much better storing the barrels on the deck of the ship. So they labeled the barrels.

S hip
H igh
I n
T ransit

Thus one of the most important words in the American English language was born.

I hope I haven't bored anyone with this useless information.

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The gauge of a firearm is a unit of measurement used to express the diameter of the barrel. Gauge is determined from the weight of a solid sphere of lead that will fit the bore of the firearm, and is expressed as the multiplicative inverse of the sphere's weight as a fraction of a pound (e.g., a 1⁄12th pound ball fits a 12-gauge bore). Thus there are twelve 12-gauge balls per pound (etc.). The term is related to the measurement of cannon, which were also measured by the weight of their iron round shot; an 8 pounder would fire an 8 lb (3.6 kg) spherical cast iron ball and had a bore diameter of about 91 mm (3.6 in).



edit add: sorry Jake for using a term such as "multiplicative inverse", but as long as I was stealing the definition I figured I would steal the whole thing.
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Most of us have experienced the awlful smell of old gear oil when changing it in the pumps on our skis, but why does it smell so bad?

"Up until 1972, transmission and gear oil used whale oil as a lubrication enhancing additive (friction modifier). It was so effective that the oil in many transmissions and rear ends never required changing. 30 million pounds of whale oil was used every year as a result. After 1972, the industry switched to other natural additives like tallow or lard oils, but they were not nearly as effective as whale oil because they couldn't handle the heat and broke down as a result. Premature transmission and rear end failures were a result. Now, liquid wax esters, derived from vegetable oils are the most used additive. These have very similar properties to the whale oil. That is why the stuff smells like it does. It is basically rancid grease."

Thats really interesting actually. When i was a teenager i spent a few years working at one of the quick oil change places. I had quite a few times i would change a rear end fluid and get the old stuff on me. It would stink for days no matter how many times i tried to wash it off.....nasty stuff.
Oil for your ski is cheap compared to this!

"The oil used by jewelers to lubricate clocks and watches costs about $3,000 a gallon."
-Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

-The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.

-Iceland consumes more Coca-Cola per capita than any other nation.
It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. (Don't try this at home!)

Ivory bar soap floating was a mistake. They had been overmixing the soap formula causing excess air bubbles that made it float. Customers wrote and told how much they loved that it floated, and it has floated ever since.

John Lennon's first girlfriend was named Thelma Pickles.

"Kemo Sabe" means "soggy shrub" in Navajo.

Kotex was first manufactured as bandages, during WWI.
the inventor of the modern day toilet was Thomas A. Crapper. Hence "I got to go use the crapper" "I've gotta' take a crap"
I just got my third ski ready for the season and I just wanted to say something and didn't know where to put it.

I love the smell of fogging oil burning in the morning, it smells like victory.

At over $400 per kilogram.And we have about 900 kilograms.We do not need a gas leak,in the air/con unit at the place I work!!! We just today lost 40kg of the stuff before the leak was fixed.The bosses were very nervous.
Well I done learnt this on the show Only in America, I seed it last nite on the TV.

When Paul Revere made his famous ride, the never said the British are Coming, because back then there was no America, most residents were British. It would be like going to anytown America and yelling The Americans are Coming.

What the actually said was "The Regulars are Coming", the regulars meaning the British Army. Interesting Huh!!

Today's Fun Fact:

When you are finished working on you ski, there is a much higher probability that it will start if you reattach the spark plug wires.:thumbsup: :facepalm:
Today's Fun Fact:

When you are finished working on you ski, there is a much higher probability that it will start if you reattach the spark plug wires.:thumbsup: :facepalm:

I would think that would increase the odds by a few points,,,

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