The top one is the return line and the bottom is the fuel feed from the filter, know kick me! I installed a new carb and didnt label the fuel lines on my 1997 GTI. Which one is the in and which one is the out? HELP PLEASE!
Thanks! Any tips on what to do after I get it all put back together on getting it started back up?
I think what you mean is it does crank but is not getting gas you said if you gave it some gas or starting fluid it would crank, I think what you ment to say is it would try to start.......make sure you are getting gas to the carbs first...I am getting so frustrated! Got the oil trigger thig arrows aligned, everything else in place, the low power screw in the area it supposed to be, I dont think its getting fuel. When I use starter fluid or put a few drops of gas in the cylinders it cranks. The plugs arent bone dry after that when I check them. I do not have a popoff tester, would popoff pressure come into play at this point? I dont know how it came setup from the place I bought the new carb from.