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fuel lines! which goes where?

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I know kick me! I installed a new carb and didnt label the fuel lines on my 1997 GTI. Which one is the in and which one is the out? HELP PLEASE!
I agree. On my 95 GTS the fuel line comes from the fuel tank selector switch into the bottom port on the carb. The top port on the carb is the return and is connected to the fuel tank.

Thanks! Any tips on what to do after I get it all put back together on getting it started back up?
is it really gonna be that simple? I tried to do a quick crank on her out of water but she didnt fire. I pulled the plugs and the were wet, black and kind of gunky!
:agree: verify you have spark first if it will not fire, once the lines are hooked up correctly fuel will flow, and if the plugs are wet with gas and black fouled out then replace the spark plugs. If you put a brand new carb on make sure the lsa and hsa are in specs. You will also have to most likely adjust the idle screw.
pulled the plugs

and they were wet! Like with water! It ran till (although with carb sticking) before. Did I get water in it while flushing it?
If water, you need to leave the plugs out, put the plug wires on the grounding posts and crank that sucker until all the water is blown out. Do this immediately. Spray some bombardier lube or wd-40 in there too. Then once all the water is out, reinstall plugs and fire it up.

Did I say do this immediately?

Procedure to flush in this order. Failure to do so can lead to your problem...

1) crank engine.
2) turn water on.
3) run for 5 minutes
4) turn off water.
5) turn of engine.

What model do you have???
did that

But it started raining and now I all oily and wet. Quite a show spewing out of the sparkplug holes! put the plugs back in, have wd 40 in waiting for the rain to stop.

battery is running down now... How long should it take for the water to come out? How I confirm I am getting a spark and one cylinder has some grayish stuff coming out of it.
It depends on how much is in there. Are you sure you don't have water in your gas or oil reservoir? Charge the battery and don't stop until all that water is out of your engine or it will rust and bearings will go.
still trying

How can I check for water in the oil? Should I just pump it all out of the resevoir? I tried to start this morning and when I use choke it tries to startruns for a few seconds and dies. a surge of oily water comes out the back. any initial settings on the new carb perhaps?
getting closer...I hope

I got her started! But now my next bonehead move... I was trying to adjust idle by feel on the new carb and I turned the other adjustment by mistake and I have no idea how far... she is idling very rough. I have not touched the adjustment with the plastic cap on it...suggestions? I guess I need to know which way to turn it to start from zero? Also the lower cable that goes from the throttle to oil injection? I think I got it where it is supposed to be it springs with the throttle, but I thought I would mention that in case it was a variable.
Anything else I'm doing wrong?
turning it to the right will turn it all the way in, then bring it back out to specs......do not crank in down either, only turn it untill it stops!
I am getting so frustrated! Got the oil trigger thig arrows aligned, everything else in place, the low power screw in the area it supposed to be, I dont think its getting fuel. When I use starter fluid or put a few drops of gas in the cylinders it cranks. The plugs arent bone dry after that when I check them. I do not have a popoff tester, would popoff pressure come into play at this point? I dont know how it came setup from the place I bought the new carb from.
I am getting so frustrated! Got the oil trigger thig arrows aligned, everything else in place, the low power screw in the area it supposed to be, I dont think its getting fuel. When I use starter fluid or put a few drops of gas in the cylinders it cranks. The plugs arent bone dry after that when I check them. I do not have a popoff tester, would popoff pressure come into play at this point? I dont know how it came setup from the place I bought the new carb from.
I think what you mean is it does crank but is not getting gas you said if you gave it some gas or starting fluid it would crank, I think what you ment to say is it would try to start.......make sure you are getting gas to the carbs first...
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