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Fuel in lines but not in carbs??

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New Member
I just replaced the fuel lines on my 97 XP and now it will not start. I took the line apart that went from the fuel filter to the carbs and fuel was comming out, so there is fuel in the lines. As a matter of fact after I replaced all the lines we had it started and running but only for a few seconds. Then it must have ran out of fuel and now won't start. The reason I say I don't think their is fuel is because the prime doesn't work, it only pushes air. Anything would help, thanks.
You may have made an orientation error on the four fuel bafel nipples when you re-attached the lines. The top ring is marked: vent, on, ret, & res. Let us know if ya
need help!
No I know I didn't make a mistake because I took one line off at a time, and replaced it, I never had more than one line off of the baffle at a time.
Fuel Selector Valve

Check the fuel selector valve, mine was so bad I replaced it. Take the hoses off and blow through the center outlet there should be no or very little resistance. Will the ski start in the Reserve position?

No, there is fuel in the lines, and there is very little resistence between the tank and line into the carbs, and there is no difference between reserve and normal. I figure the carbs are not producing suction or something like that, where does that prime do-hicky get its gas from because there is no gas there?

Did you overhaul the carbs. or just clean the filters?

The "fuel pumps" are in the carbs. If you overhauled the carbs. you need to do a pop off test. It would be O.K. to do a pop off test anyway.

You could dribble a little premix fuel in the spark plug holes, put the spark plugs back in and see if it starts.

I only went in the carb as deep as the filter, so I don't think I would need to do a pop off test... I tried putting premix into the carbs but even that hardly gets the motor running, it only has one or two power strokes and I put a decent amount of fuel into them.

I also noticed that the choke has hardly any effect on the engine, if you keep the throttle wide open it sounds like at least its trying but no matter what you do with the choke it makes no difference. I don't know if that means something but it seems like it would.

I'm about out of ideas, maybe a carb overhaul?

I'm sure you have checked the spark plugs, you could redo the spark plug boots, cut the cable ties, unscrew the boots, cut about 1/4" off of the end of the cable, reattach the boot and a new cable tie.

Anybody else got any ideas.

Fresh plugs are in, and I was going to do the boot repair as soon as I got zip ties, but I'm fairly certain it is a fuel problem.

As for the carb overhall I think that is the next thing on my list. Tomorrow I will take them out and look them over, however I have no gaskets :banghead: O well I guess the ski is going to be down for the weekend
send the carbs, my way?

If you no for a fact, the selector is good, lines are on the right fittings, and fuel is "present" in the inline filter, than its in the carbs, bud.

No need for rebuild kit or pop-off tester, if your not replacing the springs inside or adding aftermarket air pods, or diaphrams arent ruined.
I have the same problem in my 96 XP. The engine turns over, there is spark at the spark plugs, the fuel filter and lines are full, but the engine wont start. i also bypassed the selector just in case it wasnt working but nothing. Probably its the carbs.:banghead:
send the carbs, my way?

If you no for a fact, the selector is good, lines are on the right fittings, and fuel is "present" in the inline filter, than its in the carbs, bud.

No need for rebuild kit or pop-off tester, if your not replacing the springs inside or adding aftermarket air pods, or diaphrams arent ruined.

I lost you there... what do you think is wrong with my carbs? You think can I fix them without a rebuild kit?
Ok so I took the carbs off, took things apart, sprayed carb cleaner in place, and moved things to make sure they wern't stuck. I now believe there is fuel getting to the cylinder.

Now next question:
What determines timing advance/retard on these engines, its almost like the timing is very retarded and there is no power. Now when I turn the engine over sometimes its like it wants to go, its firing, but it won't pick up speed. It will hardly last a second after you stop turning it over before it dies.

Thanks for your responses so far, keep them coming.
It sounds like a problem I had last year with my 96xp.
Wife picked up this ski for a good price at a local Fire Department
yard sale. Ski was sold as is.

My first mistake was I used only my jumper battery to try to start it up.
It would crank but once in a while it would stop cranking when it was going to start also had intermittant spark. To make a long story short.

Installed a new battery it started first try with out any starting juice.

Try a new battery and call me in the morning :^)
It sounds like a problem I had last year with my 96xp.
Wife picked up this ski for a good price at a local Fire Department
yard sale. Ski was sold as is.

My first mistake was I used only my jumper battery to try to start it up.
It would crank but once in a while it would stop cranking when it was going to start also had intermittant spark. To make a long story short.

Installed a new battery it started first try with out any starting juice.

Try a new battery and call me in the morning :^)

The battery is brand new, and I have never used anoter battery to try and start it, everytime the battery wears down from cranking I take it out and charge it up.

Thanks for the tip though
unless the woodruff key sheared or someones messed with the alignment of the stator on the mag cover or removed the mag cup and installed it wrong, your timing should be good.
I have not done a compression check except for a thumb over the sparkplug hole as I crank it. However, it would started out of the water on thursday. So compression should be good.

Thursday I changed the fuel lines, started it on land, put it into the water where it wouldn't start, and it hasn't started sence. :mad:

here is a list of things I have done:
took both carbs off and went through them to make sure everything is working so it seems fuel is good
checked spark by taking 2 old sparkplugs doubling their gap and watching for spark, spark seems good
compression as I said I have not tested but seems good

Now the wierd thing is it will not fire if I put premix into the carbs or into the plug holes...

so, any other ideas im fresh out?
I just did a proper compression test...
the front cylinder only has about 30PSI :mad:
the other cylinder is good at about 135 PSI

So i put some oil into the front cylinder to try and seal it and it only jumped to 50PSI, which to me means its gotta be pretty bad, but rules out a stuck valve. On car engines I have worked on a little oil would usually seal it good enough to get it started, but does 4 stroke oil work better than 2 stroke oil at sealing? anyone know? I put 2 stroke in because I don't know if 4 stroke will hurt it, and I don't have any 4 stroke here.

I should have thought about compression sooner because it totally makes sence now :banghead: I really don't want to have to pull the engine though.
alright bud, yuo got 2-choices. Remove motor, and atleast, if everythings ok, on the bottom, do top-end, or sell AS-IS.
I'm going to do it, but do you have to remove the motor to do rings? I was looking at the FSM and it seemed to indicate that any topend work could be done with the engine in.
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