Fuel Filter question


Hey everyone, getting my 2000 LRV out on the water and when I checked my fuel filter after some testing, the screen was floating and not seated in the top of the housing. It looks like it’s kinda collapsed or something and when I try to reseat it it’s too small to stay. Should it stay seated or does it come off when you take the cup part off? Also I’m having some trouble getting the idle set right. I set the low screws to 1 1/2 or I think I did.. what is a turn considered? A complete rotation of the screw? When it’s out of the water it’s at 3000 but when I put it in the water it’s at like 1300.
Complete rotation of the idle screw is considered a turn. I'd set the idle at 2800 RPM. I do that because the Carb 951 is prone to running away. I don't play around tuning the 951 in the driveway on the water hose. I like it in the water. Good Luck !!
Yes the filter should be snug in the lid.

Those are your idle mixture screws not idle speed screws. Set those to factory spec from all the way in. One turn is a fell 360 degrees.
The idle is a separate screw that opens the butterfly
I ordered a new filter, I put an inline filter in but after all the negative posts about it I changed my mind and took it off. I think it won’t stay seated because it’s an Amazon cheapo. I ordered one I hope is better made.it does seem like the bowl holds it in place to the top of the seat.

I took a video at the dock Saturday and this was it idling at a little over 1500. I’m going to adjust it down some and try again tomorrow afternoon. Sound ok beside be a bit fast?

Got the new filter and it’s a MUCH better fit, you can even tell it’s a better material, it doesn’t flex as much and stays snug. O ring looks like a better fit. No more Amazon for this guy lol