exact tdc on new 787 motor. noob needs some help

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New Member
I have my new 787 motor and installing the rv now.,I am looking through the mag exhaust opening to find tdc. However once I get the piston to the top I have a question. Is tdc before piston is top or after I get piston to top. It seems I can turn crank about 5 or 10 degrees which will change my rv alignment to set timing. Where should I set rv based on position on mag piston? The beginning or end of tdc of crank rotation? Thanks
TDC is just that.... TOP DEAD CENTER.

It may seem like you can move the crank 10 degrees, but in reality, you are just so close to TDC, that visually, you can't tell the difference.

If you don't have a dial indicator.. the best thing to do is put a screwdriver down the spark plug hole, and feel it. TDC will be in the center of the felt dead spot. If you have a dial indicator... it's easy to find.
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