ok this is going to be a long one but i need MAJOR help. i have a 97 challenger 1800. i have had to replace an engine with a rebuilt one. my biggest mistake was taking it to a non seadoo mechanic but they promised they could work on it and they have worked on several. this is the second time they have given me the doo back that won't even start. they cleaned the carbs on the new engine and replaced it. i had it started in the driveway for like 2 seconds before i went to the river to make sure it works. i took it to the river and fired up the old engine and when i went to fire up the new one it sounded like it wanted to start but then bogged down and then beeped several times. i docked it and started trying to start it but it wouldn't even turn over. i took out the fuses and cranked it a few times and gas was shooting out so that means the compression is fine, right?? i put them back in and it would continuously turn over but not fire up. soon after that it started beeping again about 8 times and would finally get back to what it was doing before about not even turning over. have no clue what to do. the mechanic can get it doing out of water and promises me he tests it in a water test tank and has had both engines up to 7k rpms but when i put it in the water i can't start the new engine. please let me know what i should do and i live in TN and want to know where i should take the boat for good help. and the only excuse they ever give me is that they boat has been in salt water before so it is hard to work on. thanks!!!!!!!!!!:cheers: