It is same engine, I didn't take it off bed plate so only thing I was worried about is left to right alignment and not so much the up and downOfficially, yes.
The engine can be shifted left right twist as well as up and down.
If you are putting in the SAME block and have not moved the shims, it is as good as you will be able to get it without the tool.
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It is same engine, I didn't take it off bed plate so only thing I was worried about is left to right alignment and not so much the up and down
This is my idea and tell me why it would NOT work........ I am going to hook everything up, hook up driveshaft and impeller and all..... Leave motor mounts loose...... Start engine up and the vibration should in theory settle the engine
"I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not"
This is my idea and tell me why it would NOT work........ I am going to hook everything up, hook up driveshaft and impeller and all..... Leave motor mounts loose...... Start engine up and the vibration should in theory settle the engine
"I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not"
I agree totally.... But I probably never use the tool again.... Hopefully heheTHat's and EXTRA bad idea. A 2-stroke will shake, and WILL NOT try to center itself. More likely... it will shake off center enough to cause damage.
If you want to Eye-ball it... then manually move the engine... up/down, Left/Right, and twist... and estimate the best center.
People do it all the time... but like I said before... the price of the tool is less than the replacement parts later.