Engine rebuild cylinder gasket

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I recently rebuilt a 787 engine and am now doing a second engine. The rebuild kit has a crankcase to cylinder gasket. The gasket has no cutouts for the PTO and Mag side holes on the crankcase. Water doesn't flow through the crankcase but there would be heat transferred to the area if water was present. I did not cut the gasket to accommodate for these spaces. Now I am wondering if I should have as the second engine I am tearing down has holes in the gasket going to these spaces. Was this a mistake on my part and should I correct it. I am concerned that I set up a condition for overheating in the lower portion of the engine. Any advice? Am I over analyzing this? I attached a photo of the spaces in the crankcase that the new gasket covered over. Should have asked this on the first build but was too busy following the instructions. Thanks!IMG_1723.JPG
No cooling issues at all. Just aftermarket gaskets. The thing you will need to check the squish which is determined by the base gasket thickness. They sell many different thicknesses to get it correct.
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