My manual suggests the proper way to test the regulator/rectifier module is to tie off the Sea-Doo to a fixed pier in the water, rev the engine to 5,000 rpm and test voltages and currents under this operating condition. Please! that seems overly complicated.
I have access to laboratory quality electrical and electronic equipment and know how to use the equipment if I just had a guiding procedure on how to test the module.
Does anyone know of an electrical stimulus and respnose measurement procedure that can be used on this module? It's the 278001554 part number. Seems if you have access to equipment like this, there should be a quick procedure to test this module.
I have access to laboratory quality electrical and electronic equipment and know how to use the equipment if I just had a guiding procedure on how to test the module.
Does anyone know of an electrical stimulus and respnose measurement procedure that can be used on this module? It's the 278001554 part number. Seems if you have access to equipment like this, there should be a quick procedure to test this module.