e-Box top reattach 97 GTX

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New Member
Unable to reattach the electrical box top. The top will not sit on far enough to allow the two clips to engage. Is there some trick to this?
there is a rubber gasket around the bottom bin, make sure it isn't twisted or getting pinched.
I really don't know what to tell you, I've never had a problem. I guess make sure there are no wires being pinched between the two halves.

Did the box somehow get warped, maybe too much heat?

Try and take the rubber gasket off, and then put the lid back on. If that works, then you have a problem with the gasket. It seemed the other day i had this problem, and i flipped the gasket the other way and i could get it to clip in.
I put the gasket on the "male" part, then close the box. I also have found the gasket flip works. If I put the gasket in the female part first, I have a hard time closing it.
yep,the oring should go on the box first,then put the top on. i fought one tryin it the other way,,just wouldnt go!!
Thanks for the good suggestions. I will try putting the gasket on the male part, the "top", and then seat the top onto the box.
Sorry. I wrote that wrong! I'll put the gasket on the male part, the box, and then put the top on. :thumbsup:

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