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dying problem

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1996 sea doo 800 gtx---the problem i am having is when i put the lanyard in it will crank right up. it might run 1 minute, it might run 10 minutes. then it won't start unless i take the lanyard out and put it back in then it starts right back up and runs for 1-10 minutes again. if anyone can give me suggestions i'd appreciate it. thanks.
if it's the carb why is it that when it dies the plug is not firing unless i unplug the landyard and plug it back it fires and will crank right back up
I have the same problem. Please let me know if you figure it out. Make sure you have the right plugs in it. Resistor plugs. Some people say that non resitor plugs will make the computer act up. I have not changed mine yet but I will this week end. I have already swapped lanyards but not the post. That didn't help either.
If I figure mine out I will let you know. It is doing the exact thing yours is.
if it's the carb why is it that when it dies the plug is not firing unless i unplug the landyard and plug it back it fires and will crank right back up
Because you never stated it was not getting spark when this happened...you only said it would die and not restart. We really need the whole story to be able to help each other.

So its not a fuel issue but rather a spark/electrical issue....
It has NKG BR8ES plugs i.m not sure if this is the right plug or not it is a 1996 800 seadoo sorry about not telling about the spark i'm new to all this. the ski was given to me so that I could let my foster kids enjoy it. it came with this problem so i'm hoping to b able to fix it with out costing an arm and a leg thanks for any help.
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so lets check a couple of things, when it dies I need to know if the coil is not giving off spark....then I need to know is the coil getting power to the white wire when it is not getting spark? if no power to the coil then we have a couple other things to check.
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