Do we have a thread for boat ramp A-holes?

We have our launch and recover down to about 3 minutes. I love the tards that pull up the ramp, into the back down area to do the tie downs. Really? Pull up away from the ramp area, open your bile drains and tie down away from the ramp! Your slowing all of us down!
Since it appears that he forgot to properly attach the trailer to the hitch, it's probably a good thing that he lost the boat on the ramp (well, not so good for the truck owner). If he had lost the boat on the highway a few people may have been killed.
Sitting at the beach today with our Doo's lined up, watching the boat launch for some nice entertainment...truck pulls up towing a pair of Sparks. All total 4 guys set to launch these bad boys. Two don life jackets one drives the truck and the last one for who knows. It still takes a good ten minutes to offload. The two with the life jackets never got on the sparks as they were being backed up. Trailer in the water but not far enough so two go to the front of each and grunt them off. Yes. Grunt them off.

They park them along with our 6 at the shore. About 15 min later they have a tube and take off in one pulling one tuber. About a half hour later a boat is towing them in. We're wondering what happened but soon go back to our own socializing. I'm interrupted 10-15 min later by the Doo'ers friend asking if I had a knife....I look past her to the Spark and 3 of our Sparkers have the a Spark turned completely upside down and playing with....the rope from the tube.

I mean completely upside down. All you see is the black hull. They could have been playing cards on the hull. I tell the friend to immediately flip the Doo back upright and go to my Doo for the knife. Rattling around for a moment, grab the knife and walk to the still-upside down Doo. I say again YOU NEED TO FLIP THIS OVER NOW and explain why. They ignore me and hold out the rope perfectly entwined on the drive shaft for me to cut.

So WTH...I cut the rope and go back and sit down. Five minutes later they ask for another cut. I wander back down, cut the rope again and take another gander at the still upside down hull. Smile, nod and go back and have a beer.

Sometime in the next 20 min they give up on the rope and flip the Doo and leave it on the beach and go ride the 2nd one.

During our all day launch viewing yesterday more thoughts occurred as we watched the crapshow...

- at your house you have to load the vehicle with your cooler, your towels/beachy crap, your snacks
etc. Why not just load them into the boat right then and there? Saves time bringing them all to the dock after
you've launched the boat and are in everybody's way - or as is more typical filling the boat up while still at the
launch sitting in the water. If you're driving 100 miles to get to the lake I might understand but yeesh :facepalm:

- disconnect the final clip at the front of the boat just before you back in the water - unless you use rollers
I suppose. 90% of the 200 or so launches we seen yesterday backed the trailer in far enough that every driver
had to walk in the water up to his knees or ankles to disconnect. Really? 3-4 feet makes that much of a difference? Your truck appreciates the water.

- no wake zone means no wake. It's great that you wait just out from the launch until your partner gets the
trailer down to the launch but typically you can see the vehicle coming and begin a slow move in. Not gun it
in to get there in 3 seconds - but then make sure and take another 5 minutes to secure the front and move out:facepalm:

- make sure your party of 10 on the boat gets offs and crowds the dock until the boat is re-connected. Don't forget to have 4 of them offer advice on connecting the boat and jump in the water to help. Don't leave all the gear in the boat - have everyone drag their gear up the narrow dock and ramp. :facepalm:

- after connecting the boat again, make sure you generally chat with friends, admire the boat, walk around the truck a few times before you pull out. Other people waiting want another chance to admire your boat and general awesomeness. :facepalm:

- and my last thought - (happened twice yesterday) - make sure you gun it at the last moment to get your boat up that most important last 6 inches. It's a hot day and the 10-15 people waiting on the dock (see previous comment) appreciate the absolute drenching they get from the prop. :facepalm: Was really expecting one father
to cream the guy who nailed his 3 small kids and almost blew them off the dock - but again see comment before.

Sorry guys - rant over. I feel better....! :rant:
As a kid me any my dad would just go sit at the dock to watch the entertainment, every weekend there was "that guy" you know the one that shows up with some off the wall piece of watercraft, using a front wheel drive to tow it. Yep he shows up every weekend with a hovercraft on a homemade flat trailer, towed by a front wheel drive lumina apv minivan. One of GMs wonderful creations in the 90s. I would love seeing him blow the front tires off the van, and there isnt anywhere to stand on the bumper, really not safe to sit on hood as its very slanted and short. So he would eventually make it up but after much smoke and curse words lol.

Most dangerous story I have was a guy had unloaded his boat and tethered it at end of dock. We were just relaxing helping people tether their boats if they weren't skilled in pulling up to docks. Standard outboard 70s ski boat, he puts it in reverse ( or so he thought he did ) and totally guns it, way more that you would ever need to move the boat away from dock, next thing I knew half the boat was on the dock. He was still in drive, not reverse! He was so embarrased ha! We shoved him off and sent him on his way.
Ya know, I wasn't going to say any thing, because it's kinda sadistic, but sometimes like late in the day on a Sat. or Sun. a buddy and myself will grab a cooler and wander over to the launch ramp. It's fun to watch what we call the parade, guys trying to get their boats on the trailers, get stuff out of the boats, pack their kids and wives in the car.

We keep out boat, and at least one ski at the lake, this is a hassle I certainly don't miss.

hmm, tough call between watching people at the boat ramp and observing "shoppers" in Walmart.
I really try not to add to the entertainment.

My boat is not running right right now, I suspect I have been ripped off by a couple of unscrupulous "mechanics" or at least one that charged me over $500 to rebuild my carbs and go over my boat. I suspect neither happened and the "carb rebuild" consisted of some high RPM beatings while it was in his possession. My engines were shot after it was returned to me.

I had two SBT engines dropped and and the same problems I was having before are still there, the one engine will not idle. I tried to adjust the idle to no avail and I am afraid to mess with the mixture, although I think it is too rich at low RPM.

So when at idle speed, the one engine will shut down if I do not babysit it. Which makes the smart docking go into retard mode and you are basically fighting the boat and keeping it from spinning in a constant circle.

Last week, in the keys, we were pulling the boat out. The ramp was a private ramp at a marina, I paid $65 for rights to the ramp for the week. The ramp was also very very steep and very very wide. So I had to motor the boat to the trailer. Well, of course, the one engine died and the boat started to turn, then the other engine decided to join the party. So now I was going forward to the left of the trailer and heading for the ramp conc. My wife with a broken toe is scrambling down the slippery ramp, I am telling (not yelling) to not try, I run the the bow and prepare to jump off the stop the forward motion. She slips, falls, and gets soaked. Because she would not listen to me and I was not going to yell at her.

I jump off the front, stop the boat, then basically load it on the trailer by hand. I was happy there was no audience to see this debacle.

I am not taking it out again until the idle is fixed. Finding a competent mechanic is proving akin to finding a unicorn.

It sucks because it runs great, it is just the one engine, I have the idle adjusted all the way.... I wonder if I am adjusting the wrong way? Back to shop manual.....
I found a new Ski testing lake 10 min from my house. It's $7 to launch, you put in an envelope and drop in a safe box.You have a permit you put on dash. All I have is a ten dollar bill. I ask a guy loading his sail boat if he can break a 10. Nope, but they never check he says. Then the cops show up. Asks him where is your permit? DOHH! out comes the ticket book! He did not pay! I guess they checked today.