Do we have a thread for boat ramp A-holes?


Well-Known Member
So I finally put the skis in the water today. I tow the skis over to the marina and the guy in front of me pulls in (just a car, no trailer) and just randomly parks his car right in front of the boat ramp. He gets out of his car and starts to walk away.

Me in a nice calm polite voice: "Sir, I'm going to need you to move your car".

A-hole: "Can't you just go around it?"

Me in a slightly agitated, less calm voice: "No, but I can tear the ass end off your car with my truck if you prefer"

A-hole still seemingly oblivious to the fact that he is blocking the boat ramp, crosses his arms and huffs: "well if you got really good insurance, go ahead"

Long story, short - I need to buy a new chain and anchor and the marina is missing 2 concrete blocks.
The funny thing is that the A-hole was looking at a boat that was parked in the marina parking lot, presumably for sale. So the even worse news is I soon may be encountering the A-hole on the water. If he can't figure out a boat ramp vs parking lot, I hate to see him driving a boat.
...and this is why I am working Saturdays this summer and taking off Mondays to go out on the boat with the wife and kid.
I have rotational days off as well. It is an absolute pleasure to go to a ramp and not deal with "stupid"....
Some people are just oblivious and inconsiderate. Boating on the busiest lake in the state that has the highest per ca-pita boaters I swear I could write a book.

The guy in the red shirt with the 25' boat came from the trailer with the suburban, launched his boat by wading into the water, then spun it around BY HAND at the dock, then jumped in and let it float across the launch next to him while he tried to get it started. Blocking the group in the GMC Envoy (you can see that guy is in the alumacraft tiller waiting to load). He then proceeds to pull up to the tie up dock and spin the boat back around BY HAND again. This is where I walked over and asked if I could give him a hand, he responded "no I got it". Uh, no you don't buddy. What you can't see in this picture is a husband wife combo in a mastercraft on the third ramp that were taking their sweet time learning how to load their boat (taking the boat on and off the trailer practicing). They were at it when I got there and still working on it when I left (probably 20 minutes). SOOO these two groups had all three ramps blocked. I later saw the guy in the red shirt tied up to a restaurant dock, not eating restaurant food just sitting there hoping people would look at him.

I'm all for the husband/wife combo practicing but don't do it on a Saturday when there's a line of people behind you.

All you can do it watch and laugh.

After seeing this thread it just reminds me of the old times. We use to drive over an hour pulling the boat launch the boat, go out for the day, retrieve the boat drive home. Now I keep my boat on a lift in a covered slip and launch the ski's at a private ramp, probably no more expensive than trailering the boat and ski's.

We have one ramp in our city that I avoid whenever possible, especially on the weekends, the local yacht club, its generally considered busy, which is not a major problem if you don't have idiots, since it really doesn't take that long to launch a ski/boat if you know what the heck your doing. But since this is the most well known ramp, it attract's the idiots, so the line get unbearably long, and on a holiday, forget about it.

Saturday was a good example, fortunately a triple ramp, but we had 3 of us load our ski's in a row while the two boats on the outside were still farting around, the worst offender a Spanish older guy that took 3 attempts to load the boat, and took his sweet azz time as well.

I agree 100% that nobody should be practicing on a Saturday, that's a weekday thing, and I've done it before myself.

My short list of pet peeves.

A) Those that don't prep the boat before launching, and then leave it there while they load all their crap for 5 minutes, that should have been done at home or while in line.

B) Those that tie right at the dock when launching then casually walk/shuffle really slow while heading to/from the parking area, which can sometimes be quite far, making everybody wait, since the wife/buddy can't drive the boat enough to just get out of the way.

C) Those that fish from the dock right next to the ramp, and don't pull their lines in when we're approaching.

D) This guy... He forgot to trim up the motor, and bent the hell out of his prop while launching, THEN stayed there for 5 minutes and tried to impro's his impeller with a pair of vice grips. He launched, and returned 10 minutes later (I guess it wasn't running quite right with that quick fix on the impeller lol)


E) The people that totally suck at backing down a ramp and jack knife 3/4 times during the attempts, but refuse assistance, even with a line.

F) Those that show up late for a scheduled group ride, I always plan on being 30-40 minutes early that way if I'm late, I still show up on time. 11am means IN the water at 11am, not at the gas station 5 miles down the road topping off.

G) and last but not least, the drunk hubby/wife combo that yell and cuss at each other usually when they return from a long hot day, wife doing a poor job of backing down the truck, hubby doing a poor job loading the boat, and in general just embarrassing themselves.

oh... I almost forgot,,, this poor fella, not a ramp a-hole just a really nice guy that I know that backed down just a little too far in his lifted 50K truck, caught the algae and slipped all the way down.. submerged a 2013 dodge, my buddy took these pictures before the wrecker showed up to drag him out. His mistake (I think) was not having a proper drop on his hitch, and a trailer that's just a tad too short for the ramp. (also would have helped greatly to be in 4WD instead of 2WD at the time) RIP to his Dodge.


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Some people are just oblivious and inconsiderate. Boating on the busiest lake in the state that has the highest per ca-pita boaters I swear I could write a book.

The guy in the red shirt with the 25' boat came from the trailer with the suburban, launched his boat by wading into the water, then spun it around BY HAND at the dock, then jumped in and let it float across the launch next to him while he tried to get it started. Blocking the group in the GMC Envoy (you can see that guy is in the alumacraft tiller waiting to load). He then proceeds to pull up to the tie up dock and spin the boat back around BY HAND again. This is where I walked over and asked if I could give him a hand, he responded "no I got it". Uh, no you don't buddy. What you can't see in this picture is a husband wife combo in a mastercraft on the third ramp that were taking their sweet time learning how to load their boat (taking the boat on and off the trailer practicing). They were at it when I got there and still working on it when I left (probably 20 minutes). SOOO these two groups had all three ramps blocked. I later saw the guy in the red shirt tied up to a restaurant dock, not eating restaurant food just sitting there hoping people would look at him.

I'm all for the husband/wife combo practicing but don't do it on a Saturday when there's a line of people behind you.

All you can do it watch and laugh.

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Wow, plenty of space between Sub and Envoy for another truck. You should paint lines there at night so people can get the drift and go 3 wide. I use a ramp that is 6 vehicles wide and it's just wider than a trailer for you to back down, at the other end of the park there is a 5 wide. All 6 lanes are full and a line half way down to the 5'r is typical on a weekend. I love watching guys snake down the ramp.

6 wide to the left, 5 to the right. That image is at high tide, low tide the 6'r ramp you have to back down another 20'. I have always wanted to film the boat ramps and send it to Americas Funniest Videos.

At another ramp I use I will spin my Speedster around. The tide current is stronger than reverse and there are metal hoops around the pylons and I have seen far too many battle scars put on boats cause of them. So I'll have the boat started, spin it while standing on my trailer, quick jump on then pull straight out safely. I can still get unloaded faster than the others at the ramp, some guys just drag their feet. But seeing how your not tidal those guys should be backing out but that is a wide ramp, enough for one more vehicle.
Some people are just oblivious and inconsiderate. Boating on the busiest lake in the state that has the highest per ca-pita boaters I swear I could write a book.

The guy in the red shirt with the 25' boat came from the trailer with the suburban, launched his boat by wading into the water, then spun it around BY HAND at the dock, then jumped in and let it float across the launch next to him while he tried to get it started. Blocking the group in the GMC Envoy (you can see that guy is in the alumacraft tiller waiting to load). He then proceeds to pull up to the tie up dock and spin the boat back around BY HAND again. This is where I walked over and asked if I could give him a hand, he responded "no I got it". Uh, no you don't buddy. What you can't see in this picture is a husband wife combo in a mastercraft on the third ramp that were taking their sweet time learning how to load their boat (taking the boat on and off the trailer practicing). They were at it when I got there and still working on it when I left (probably 20 minutes). SOOO these two groups had all three ramps blocked. I later saw the guy in the red shirt tied up to a restaurant dock, not eating restaurant food just sitting there hoping people would look at him.

I'm all for the husband/wife combo practicing but don't do it on a Saturday when there's a line of people behind you.

All you can do it watch and laugh.

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With 20 minutes to kill, it seems to me that you should have gotten a few more pictures of the blond!
Is that bad that I enjoy these threads? More boat ramp pictures I have taken (I may have posted these here before)

No truck launch.jpg

Ramp jump start.jpg
That guy with the tigershark sat there and cranked on the thing until it stopped cranking.

I once saw a guy block the ramp while he put on his registration

In that first picture I posted the signs you can see say "do not leave your boat here, use the tie up docks to the side" of which there are 3. Probably about 4,000 times I have politely said to people "just so you know for next time you can't leave your boat here" 99% of the time I get a response to the tune of - I'm just leaving it here while I ________(fill in the blank).
So I finally put the skis in the water today. I tow the skis over to the marina and the guy in front of me pulls in (just a car, no trailer) and just randomly parks his car right in front of the boat ramp. He gets out of his car and starts to walk away.
Me in a nice calm polite voice: "Sir, I'm going to need you to move your car".
A-hole: "Can't you just go around it?"
Me in a slightly agitated, less calm voice: "No, but I can tear the ass end off your car with my truck if you prefer"

A-hole still seemingly oblivious to the fact that he is blocking the boat ramp, crosses his arms and huffs: "well if you got really good insurance, go ahead"
Long story, short - I need to buy a new chain and anchor and the marina is missing 2 concrete blocks.

Your truck could have pushed that car right into the water w/o much effort on your part. ....."Gee sir, i don't where your car went to"
Long story, short - I need to buy a new chain and anchor and the marina is missing 2 concrete blocks.
...I hope that's because they're in his backseat via the rear glass.

His rear axle mighta still been under the car when I was done with it.:D
OMG, I have a boat ramp A-hole story from this past weekend. And it was three, almost all at the same time. The best part is I was not one of them, but had the most potential to be one of them!!

It's Saturday, early in the day with cool weather. So we knew it was a good time to drop my buddies boat lift in and float it across the bay to the cabin. We did mine the week before. We have 12' x 12" PVC tubes strapped to the lift to allow us to tow them across. We drop the lift in the lake, just like a boat but off of a snowmobile trailer. So we had the potential to be the guy blocking the landing forever trying to horse a lift off the trailer.

But both weekends, both lifts floated right off, and I in my BATMAN wetsuit walked them off to the side and out of the way. We do this quicker than 90% of the boats on the landing, so nobody has anything to bitch about.

So while I am holding the lift off to the side and my buddy runs to go get my boat, I get to watch the carnival that is a Minnesota boat landing on a Saturday morning.

First 18' runabout drops in on ramp 1 of 2 to find that they forgot the key. They continue to drop the boat while the gal in the boat is calling a local campground to have someone drive the key over. After they pull the truck out, I offer to pull them over to the side as I am already wet and it would free up that ramp. "No, that's ok, someone is coming with the key"

Ramp 2 of 2 has a fishing boat coming in with a solo fisherman/captain. He ties up his boat in the ramp spot so that he can go get his truck. I offer once again to pull his boat to the side as I was in the water, already wet. He just looks at me like, "get the f away from my boat fat batman, who are you? Val Kilmer?" Of course that is only what I could imagine by the look he gave me.

So now, both ramps are blocked and my buddy is sitting in line waiting with my truck and boat. The couple with the keyless boat, slide off the end of the dock enough that my buddy is able to drop my boat and I back off the trailer and around them. They are cool and I was able to clear them with plenty of room.

#3 a-hole was the one that backed in and proceeded to load the family, multiple coolers and what looked to be a weeks worth of food and toys for their cabin stay while on the ramp and trailer in the water. I swear this a-hole goes from lake to lake in MN all summer. As reports of his presence are everywhere.

Good times though for those of us in no particular hurry. Just a nice slow tow across the bay with lift on a line and beer in hand!

photo 1.jpgphoto 2.JPG
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This is the tail end of a cluster**ck at a 4 slot ramp.

The GMC you see backed in used up 2 side of the double ramp, one side he parked his boat, he was solo in the boat, then he proceeded to back the truck and trailer down the open side, I had to sit and wait for the spot my boat is in to open up. I snapped this pic while running to the boat. I had to wait as 2 other boats were being pulled out of the other 2 spots. Get this, the spot I am now in, a woman boating by herself loaded up her boat alone and drove off faster than Mr. GMC.

We always make sure the boat is loaded up and ready to be dropped in, as soon as I get the idle issue fixed on the one engine my wife is going to back it out while I park. For now, she pulls it as far down the dock as possible to get it out of the way.



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I had a bit of a tiff with an idiot this past seadoo died on me so I towed it with my wife's back
to a closer launch, (which was totally dead by the way) tied it off at the end completely out of the way while I wot'd back to the other launch.

I get back with the trailer to get the dead Doo out and as I am getting to the front of the now-busy launch line-up (go figure) I see my wife pulling my seadoo down the long dock to the water's edge in prep for me to back up. idiot pulls in from the water in FRONT of my wife and docks, blocking my wife. I'm waiting for the launch
to open (as one boat is being launched ahead of me). I see the situation and jump out of the truck and run
down to the dock to help my wife get this Doo around the idiot who has blocked the way. I am away from my truck
no more than a few minutes (seriously). Within that 2 minutes the other boater has pulled away from the launch and I can now back down - but as I am hot-footing it back up to the top of the launch an a**hole pulls in from of my truck and proceeds to back down, blocking me of course. I'm expressing my concern for his actions and he's yelling that "YOU LEFT THE TRUCK. YOU LEFT THE TRUCK. YOU CAN'T LEAVE THE TRUCK". Expressing my concerns further I still have no choice but to wait while CLOWN unloads, putters, loads crap into his boat and ties it off at the dock and then leaves with his truck.

I'm then down, loaded and pulling out inside 2-3 minutes...looking longingly at perhaps untying his boat....but I took the high road. :cuss::cuss::banghead: idiot pulls in from the water in FRONT of my wife and docks, blocking my wife.

On more than one occasion I've had people do that as my wife is backing the empty trailer down the ramp. It's shocking how oblivious some people are. I'm sure it's the same guy that cuts me off by boat on the lake WHILE HE'S TOWING HIS KID ON A TUBE. geez

Oh well, makes for good stories (sadly I love these threads)