i am trying to convert my gtx to premix following kustomkarl's instrictions which are
""Take the injector pumo off...remove the plastic shaft and replace the oil pump. With the shaft removed it won't burn up the pump from lack of lube from the passing oil in the injector. Remove the line going to the pump and block it off at the pump. leave the lines going into the carburetor manifold alone as it won't bother anything, and won't have to be pluged off. Leave the injector tank and the 3/8" oil line going to the rotary valve chamber under the carbs. This is the feed line for the oil sump. On the other side of the engine is the vent line going back to the injector tank. Leave this line in place too. This proceedure will take like less than 1/2 hr to perform and will save you the money to replace with a block off plate.""
i have the 2 allen bolts off the oil pump and can move the pump asmbly 1/4" i assume its the nylon gear holding it back.
is there a special way to remove the gear or do i just pull until it comes
and i have read that i need to rejet the carbs otherwise it will runn lean and overheat
is this true
if so what do i rejet to
and does anyone recomend a place to buy these jets

""Take the injector pumo off...remove the plastic shaft and replace the oil pump. With the shaft removed it won't burn up the pump from lack of lube from the passing oil in the injector. Remove the line going to the pump and block it off at the pump. leave the lines going into the carburetor manifold alone as it won't bother anything, and won't have to be pluged off. Leave the injector tank and the 3/8" oil line going to the rotary valve chamber under the carbs. This is the feed line for the oil sump. On the other side of the engine is the vent line going back to the injector tank. Leave this line in place too. This proceedure will take like less than 1/2 hr to perform and will save you the money to replace with a block off plate.""
i have the 2 allen bolts off the oil pump and can move the pump asmbly 1/4" i assume its the nylon gear holding it back.
is there a special way to remove the gear or do i just pull until it comes
and i have read that i need to rejet the carbs otherwise it will runn lean and overheat
is this true
if so what do i rejet to
and does anyone recomend a place to buy these jets