Ok, I finally got a day off and took the doo off the lift and trailered it so that I could do some work. Changed the oil filter, Clipped the plug wires back 1/4 inch, installed new properly gapped spark plugs, adjusted my lsa back from 2 turns to 1 3/4 like Timmyboy recommended. While I was in there, I took the airbox off and removed the flame arrestor and peeked to see if the accelerator pump nozzles were spraying like they should when I pumped the throttle. I found that again, like when I took the carbs apart to clean that the nozzle in the MAG carb was not spraying. I pulled the little fuel line off of it and gave it a couple of short burst of carb cleaner and then compressed air. I could now here the compressed air coming through the nozzle. I reattached the fuel line and tried again. No spray. I though to myself, either the fuel line between the T and this nozzle is clogged or the T could be clogged because the other nozzle is spraying fine. I checked the other nozzle and it was now not spraying. I figured I had pumped enough times to use all the fuel in the line so I cranked the ski up and it first wanted to hesitate when I gunned the throttle, but then it stopped the hesitation. I cut it off, removed the arrestor again and looked. Gas was now spraying from both nozzles. I headed for the landing. It now fires up like lightning, no hesitation at all, so I rode it for about 20 minutes. No hesitation between low and high RPMs. I head back to the dock and dock for a while, while I drink some refreshments. After about 15 minutes, I cranked it up again and the hesitation was back. Sort of like the accelerator pump is loosing prime, because once I feather the throttle and get it going, It does not hesitate any more between the lower and upper RPMs unless I cut it back off for a few minutes. This thing runs like new again except for the fumble on the 1st move from lower RPMs.
So my thoughts are this..
1) Check valve inline to the two nozzles in the carbs is not working 100% and letting gas seep back down into the carbs.
2) Accelerator pump needs cleaning. Not much to it though. Can this be the problem?
3) I may need to back the LSA a little further back. Maybe to 1 or 1/2 (manual says 1 turn) . I am not sure about this one as I am no carb expert and do not really know what the LSA does other than tune for a smooth idle.
Any thoughts or something I haven't thought of????