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cant get ski started in water

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Manty hx rider

New Member
i have a 95 seadoo hx. the ski starts fine out of water, at least for a 95 i think, but i put it in the water and i cannot get the motor to stay running it turns over but never stays going. i rode it one time in the water. shut it off sat on shore smoked a cigarette, went to get on and wouldnt stay running again. any suggestions or ideas i am.. kinda looking to solve this myself and learn something rather than paying someone 60 bucks an hour for something i maybe can fix myself.

oh i do have a brand new battery and spark plugs in it...
Do a compression test first, make sure you ground the plug wires out on the posts on the black electrical box. By doing this you will save time and money trying to chase down the cause.

Did you gap the plugs correctly also?? Might be that simple
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alright i will give that a try, and actually come to think of i dont know if it was gapped. i will give that a try and see what happens
from bad to worse

so i think things have gotten even worse... i went to run a compression test today... coming out of the spark plugs holes particularly the front cylinder is watery oil mixture... kinda milky in color... also w/ the plugs out the moter turns over very well when i put the plugs in it struggles to crank... im not sure if i am using the correct wording here... but yah now im really freaking out
I know it aint running good from your posts but deal with the water issue first.

I would keep cranking it over till all the water comes out and the ski fires up. If it will keep running I personally would go to the nearest boat launch and leave the ski attached to the trailer start it and back it in just deep enough it picks up water through the pump. not too deep because it will cause exhaust back pressure and the pump will grab too much water and stall if it is running rough. just enough so when you rev it up it has water comming through the tell tale hole. Run it for 20 minutes minimum.
(doing it this way if it dies you don't have to paddle back(lol)

bring it home and fog the engine with fogging oil.
Then go to the compression test!

When you run these machines on land always start ski, turn on water, to shut down turn off water then turn off ski. (just wondering how water got in the crancase)
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hey thanks for the advice... yah pretty much my own stupidity w/ the water but that has come to the frustration of the machine.. great advice cause yah im getting sick of launching and relaunching it.. try that tomorrow hopefully the weather cooperates really appreciate the help and advice its relieving the tension of the problems i have been facing....
Unfortunetly all my knowledge comes from experience with my own seadoo's!
My New boat, sits in the driveway, waiting for my cylinders to come out of the shop( bought with a blown engine, total restoration of the interior being done right now, and thank god or who-ever I completed all my fiberglass workis completed!!!(My doctor figures in about a week all the chemicles will be out of my blood and I will be able to spell my name,)
did u do the fiberglass work yourself...the yellow on mine has no gloss left in it and would love to get it back.. any ideas i have researched the web but really havent found anything i think is somthing i can tackle
if it is fiberglass, I found the best product is turtle wax polishing paste in the green container, I use an electric polisher and works great. I know there are many products for this out there, but cheap and easy!(less than 5 bucks canadian) Just wax after and shiney gloss for the season.
hey got it started today, still need to check compression and take it to a launch but the weather is not cooperating w/ me today... hoping everything is tip top by the fourth. thanks again for all the help
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