Candoo / MPEM Programming Southern Maine


New Member
Hey, I was wondering if anyone in Southern Maine owns a Candoo or Seadoo MPEM programmer that would by willing to loan it, or there time using it, to me. I just rebuilt my 787 RFI engine and would like to check and set the timing and tps plus check for engine error codes. I am located in Raymond near Sebago Lake. I could trade welding, broken bolt extraction, light machining, or beer for your time.

It is worth mentioning I have some special tools like the engine alignment kit, mag puller, flywheel wrench, and some others that I would be willing to loan for a reasonable amount.
Can't help ya but I'm on Sebago too! Hi! If you get to know a mechanic real well eventually they might let you do things for free. For example, I have used the same mechanic down in Mass for 3 years. Yes I have paid him a bunch of money, but now he programs keys for nothing, checks hours and diagnostics for nothing, etc.