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Breaking in my 08 GTXs

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New Member
I have read the manual and talked with the dealer, and I would like to get your take on breaking in a new Sea-Doo. I have heard a fwe people say to just stick with the learning keys for the first 10 hours, some say you can ride at WOT, but not for long, and that you need to keep adjusting your speed. So far i have about 5 hours on each, and I want to make sure I do this right. Thanks again guys.
Well everyone has their on take on this, but don't drive it like you stole it. I wouldn't use the learning key...I actually think its recommended that you dont. But its ok to hit wot but just in very shorts burst. but its not recommended to hold it wot.

I personally kept mine around half throttle for the first 5-6 hours with shorts burst to 3/4 throttle then after that I was letting it run up to wot occasionally then backing off. Another good thing is to let your rpms vary...don't just keep holding it constant.

A good break in for these machines determines the longevity.
Well everyone has their on take on this, but don't drive it like you stole it. I wouldn't use the learning key...I actually think its recommended that you dont. But its ok to hit wot but just in very shorts burst. but its not recommended to hold it wot.

I personally kept mine around half throttle for the first 5-6 hours with shorts burst to 3/4 throttle then after that I was letting it run up to wot occasionally then backing off. Another good thing is to let your rpms vary...don't just keep holding it constant.

A good break in for these machines determines the longevity.

I agree, breaking in mine I have had the RPM's all over the place... I did read somewhere that you shouldnt use the learner key for break in, but I dont remember where... I myself did use the learner key for about the first hour, after that I started to play around with the yellow key...

Here's one thing I noticed... with the yellow key the ski will JUMP out of the hole... With the white key it dont, it's like night and day.... As we all know the top end on the white key is 35 - 40 .... With the yellow key you hit that right out of the gate. One thing I learned, when you have the yellow key in and you hit the top end, dont just let off the gas....... I did this once and about flew over the front of the ski because it slows down so fast..
Thanks for the info guys, i guess i have one more question, since i am new with this. How does the reserve fuel tank work? Do i fill it up like normal, do i have to flip a switch somewhere?
The reason why i ask was that the last few times i went out i took them down to about 50% on the fuel gauge, but when i went to fill them up, they only took about 5 gallons each. Thanks again for all of your info.
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