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Borrowing Brothers '02 RX 951cc Seadoo

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New Member
Hey guys/gals,

I'm going to be hopefully borrowing my brothers 2002 Seadoo RX over the July 4th holiday, however the thing has been sitting for ~2years and whether or not it's been winterized I have no idea.

I guess what I'm looking for is what to do/check to see if it'll run without much work. I realize I'll need to:

check/charge the battery
change plugs
fresh fluids (fuel/oil)

This thread: http://www.seadooforum.com/showthread.php?t=14939 suggests that some WD40 be sprayed into the cyls and some additional lubrication of the impeller area.

My brother has the manual which I'm hoping has enough information that I can try to get it fired up in the driveway to ensure it'll run for the 4th. Does the Manual have enough info to "prep" this thing?

Are there any other obvious (obvious to actual owners) tips I should know about/try? I plan to be looking around here over the next couple days to ingest as much info as possible.

TIA for any help,
Sitting up...?

Hey guys/gals,

I'm going to be hopefully borrowing my brothers 2002 Seadoo RX over the July 4th holiday, however the thing has been sitting for ~2years and whether or not it's been winterized I have no idea.

I guess what I'm looking for is what to do/check to see if it'll run without much work. I realize I'll need to:

check/charge the battery
change plugs
fresh fluids (fuel/oil)

This thread: http://www.seadooforum.com/showthread.php?t=14939 suggests that some WD40 be sprayed into the cyls and some additional lubrication of the impeller area.

My brother has the manual which I'm hoping has enough information that I can try to get it fired up in the driveway to ensure it'll run for the 4th. Does the Manual have enough info to "prep" this thing?

Are there any other obvious (obvious to actual owners) tips I should know about/try? I plan to be looking around here over the next couple days to ingest as much info as possible.

TIA for any help,

The biggest issue that we face in sitting up the 2 cycle engines is fuel and gumming up the carbs. Thanfully, we have floatless carbs....

Here is what I recommend. Take out and charge the battery or take off the negative ground cable on the battery and put it on charge. In the meantime, spare some WD on your linkages on the carb and up front, where your oil injection pump is. Then, if you can, crawl under the ski and spray the impeller area quite liberally with the WD. Then, spary everything on th back of the pump with WD........

Now, with the battery fully charged, hook up your water hose and try and start the motor. WHen it starts, if it doesn't stall, turn the water on. Only strong enough to see water running out the "Pee" hole. If you have water flowing from the pump end of the impeller but not the "pee" hole, that's good. Chances are, you got something blocking that pee hole line.

It's probably going to smoke, that's o.k. after sitting up for that long, oil has probably seeped through your rotary chamber seals and is burning off.

If everything runs good, ............then, change the plugs, remove the pump nozzle and check the pump oil. Add synthetic "Poloyolestor" oil to the pump if it's low. If you did a straw in it and it's milky, that means water got into your bearings and it's been sitting that way for a couple years. Riding it will likely burn your pump up at some point.

For the most part, ............start it up, see if it runs!.............
Thanks for the quick response. I hope to pick the Ski up this weekend so I have at least a few weeks to "figure it out" :-)
What's the easiest way to get all the old gas out of this thing? (can/should I drain the carb bowls and suck out any old gas in the lines too?)
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Got her running today. pulled the battery and a few of the cells were low on water, picked up a box of electrolite (battery acid) leveled them off and charged the battery overnight.

Siphoned the gas out as best that I could, let it sit with the fuel filler neck off over night in the garage to help evaporate as much as possible (probably not much).

Spun the fuel filter off, emptied it, cleaned the filter.

Ran up to the gas station and picked up 2gal of 92 octane (even though only 87 required) and put in a bit of Seafoam.

Put the gas in, battery in and tried to start it... Nothing, just turned over. Pulled the plugs, they looked oily so I cleaned them off the best I could, reinstalled. Nothing, just turned over. Not even an attempt to fire over. Pulled the plugs back out to see if it was flooded/dry. They were Dry.

This was when I relized with only 2gal in I probably needed to be on RES vs. ON <sigh>.

Battery gave out before I could get it started.

Put it back on the charger, ran up to Autozone, picked up 2 more plugs. Looked up the gaps, found out the ones installed were gapped BIG (i.e. out of the box big). Gapped the new ones, put them in. After about 2h charging I put the battery back in, and it kicked over once, then stalled. Kicked over twice then stalled. Kicked over a third time and stayed running!!! Hopped over turned the water on and let it idle without touching anything for 30-45 sec. Then I blipped the throttle just a little and it seemed to idle up a little.

I let it run for about 2 more minutes and then shut it off. Let it sit for 30sec and it fired right back up no problem!

Question Time:

What is the easiest way to check the oil (via the straw) in the pump to make sure I'm not going to kill my brothers Ski? The pump nozzel is the thing on the back I assume? I'm fairly mechanically inclined, just don't know crap about SeaDoo's :-)
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