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Battery fuse blowing...

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New Member
Hey all,

took my 2003 xp out yesterday (its been runnning fine all season) took a quick spin and i fleww off... got back on and the thing was dead. no beeps, no display, no sign of life whatsoever when connecting the dess key.

Looked at the MPEM fuses and found the battery fuse had blown. Placed a spare 25 amp fuse in and it also blew immediately. Tried a 3rd time with a new fuse and as soon as I plugged it in the fuse blows...

Im at a loss... ???
The 25 amp batt fuse is the main fuse for the ski. It supplies power to the rest of the fuses in the MPEM. Remove the other 5 fuses and see if it stops blowing. If it does then reinstall the other fuses 1 at a time until the short re-occurs. That will be the faulty circuit. I would reinstall the regulator fuse first. Make sure the other fuses are the correct size for the circuit they are in.

I have a 1999 GSX and it did the same thing. My problem was the stator yellow windings are shorted to ground. Maybe for the sake of time disconnect the stator connector on the front of the mag cover ( 951 motor? ) replace the fuse and see if it blows then
ok i did what Dennis described and the battery fuse did not blow. However as soon as I touch the key to the post the battery fuse blows. I did this 3 times with 3 new fuses and each time the 25A battery fuse blew as soon as the key touched the post...

To chazdo: i dont exactly know what the stator is at this time so I havent tried your idea yet.. will look into it though...

any other thoughts???
possible, with the flipping..etc, you managed to lodge some metal debris into the stator assy. Need to pull the mag cover to verify.
Ok, so what is the "Mag Cover", what tools do I need to remove it, and once I do remove it what am I looking at? Thanks!
located at front of motor. It covers the flywheel. Theres, i think, 10-10mm bolts, securing it on. Being an xp, you've got room. Probably, have to remove the oil tank, then removethe front motor mount bolt, prop engine up abit, then remove the bolts.
The stator is inside the front mag cover close to your fuel tank on the front of the engine. It has a whiteish 6 pin connector on it. Disconnect it and see if the fuse blows. I have had this problem on a few machines. Not a bad place to start. If you were looking at the engine from back ( prop) to front in would be on the front of the engine at about 11 oclock under the exhaust pipe on the 951 motor. Close to the same place on the 787
if you want to check for a fuse blowing (short circuit) place a test light in the
fuse holder if it lights up you know the short is still present when the light goes out you know the short is gone,this way you dont have to blow 100
fuses just to find the problem.

may be you have to change your trim housing check on the back of your trim if it smell like burn wires or some like that
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