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bad rectifier

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New Member
My 94 gtx will run great on the lake for about 15 to 20 mins. Then it starts cutting out and bogging down. Seems like a fuel problem, but if it sits for 20 mins then runs fine again for another 15 or 20 mins. I have already pulled the tank and cleaned it. I have replaced all of the grey fuel lines. I have cleaned the carbs and I have cleaned the fuel selector switch. I have installed a new fuel filter. I have checked my carbs again and they are spotless. I have read on this forum about a bad rectifier causing this problem. I have read about several others that have identical symptoms who were advised to pull the red wire on the rectifier to see if the bogging problem goes away. All said that they would try it, but I have not read of any that reported back that it solved their problem. I have pulled the red wire off of my rectifier and taped it up. I will try again on the lake and see if this helps. My question,,,,is it normal for a bad rectifier to allow the sea-doo to run for 20 mins fine, then start bogging? If so, is there an explanation for why it runs 20mins fine then has a problem? Also, has anyone else had these symptoms and fixed it with a new rectifier or by pulling the red wire on the rectifier?

All info is helpfull,

you would notice it, in higher rpm'z, not 15-20 minutes later. Try cut'n the plug wires back 1/4in, see if that works, or try new plugs/what the plugs look like?
I believe my rectifier is bad. The last time on the lake, I noticed that my battery is not charging. It was almost dead after a couple of hours. Back at home, I checked the battery voltage while the sea-doo was running and it was only 11 volts. Can the rectifier heat up and stop working after 20 mins?
cant answer that, stud...best bet, would be disconnect it, and try. Beats the buying new one and still have same prob...:cheers:
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