Well-Known Member
I have read about getting AC voltage from a rectifier interfering with normal operation and possibly causing not reaching top RPM and speed. My 96 GTX runs normally and will rev to 7000 RPM out of the hole but will reduce to about 6800 running flat out. I know about other things to check (RAVEs, water box regulator, exhaust hose) but decided to check the rectifier for AC voltage when revving. I got 14.3Vdc and switched the meter to AC and read about 29Vac. My boat is near by and did the same test and got a similar result. The AC voltage was present even at idle. The meter is a Centech (Harbor Freight low cost multimeter) but seams to give me accurate readings whenever I use it for AC, DC or ohms. My question is should you be reading 0Vac on a seadoo rectifier? If not 0, then how much AC voltage is too much?