Anybody cook or bake ?


Well-Known Member
I roast the turkey on holidays. I do the Ham too. My best part is I like to do the baking. I make the pies and backed Mac and Cheese. Cheese cake and rolls.
I do sour bread too. My culture has been going for 2 years now. Any body eles like to do this stuff?
OHHH I love to cook, we just make some homemade pumpkin rolls last night... oh its gonna be a fat week.. :thumbsup: I thought about trying to deep fry one this year, but moms ol way of doing it in the oven I cant really complain.
I don't consider myself a cook by any stretch of the imagination. However I'm pretty good on the grill, also I cook up a mean country ham every year, probably gonna do one for Christmas this year.

OHHH I love to cook, we just make some homemade pumpkin rolls last night... oh its gonna be a fat week.. :thumbsup: I thought about trying to deep fry one this year, but moms ol way of doing it in the oven I cant really complain.
You'll complain about the traditional way of cooking a turkey once you deep fry. I've been doing it for years now, a turkey will never be in my oven again. I inject the titties with Butter Creole marinade or Jalapeno Butter marinade. I have two 14# birds dropping tomorrow.

Oh, I love to cook and the wife lives to bake the sweets.
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I made my first Lobster Mac and Cheese today. It was GREAT! The whole family was in a food coma today.
I am the only cook inThe house.

Homemade soups, cassaroles, chili's grilling etc. I don't have a sweet tooth so deserts are either nothing or store bought.
You'll complain about the traditional way of cooking a turkey once you deep fry. I've been doing it for years now, a turkey will never be in my oven again. I inject the titties with Butter Creole marinade or Jalapeno Butter marinade. I have two 14# birds dropping tomorrow.

Oh, I love to cook and the wife lives to bake the sweets.

I just relegated my gas fryer to a boil pot only, I got the XL masterbuilt covered electric fryer with t-stat and timer this year and did a 20 pounder yesterday it was absolutely the best turkey we ever had at their recommendation of 3.5 minutes per pound it was done and tested to exactly 165* in 70 minutes. Drop it, close the lid and set the timer zero fussing over the temp or guessing at cooking time, worrying about wind cooling the pot etc. that was worth every penny of the $130.00 bucks it cost from Home Depot.

I've come to learn the secret of a good fried turkey versus one people rave about is the time you let it rest after pulling it up from the oil, 45 minutes of resting time allows the internal steam from injections to cool back down to juice and it's dripping wet with flavor and still plenty hot an hour later when it's sliced.

I think it's leftover's time for lunch! I'm going pheasant hunting Tuesday, I wonder how deep fried pheasant would taste?
I posted these in another thread but I shield my burners from the wind and I do it back back by my shop. I run a digital thermometer and two analogs. I also never leave the fryers except to get a beer or a quick check on the food prep in the house. I picked up my bro in law one of those fryers like you have about 3 years ago. It's a butterball one, he has yet to open the packaging. Perhaps I'll ask to try it out, permanently. My two reasons for frying are the turkey is never dry and the #1 reason......I HATE the smell of the roasting turkey in my house. That's all I will smell for a few days and I can't stand it. You're correct on letting it stand before cutting.

You can see the sheet metal wind break, and the second pic is the first few cuts after resting a while. You don't even need gravy it's so moist. Oh, and everything tastes good fried, lol.


Definitely ask him to try it out, I opted for the XL size and I'm really glad I did although it's so big the best place to use it is right on top of the washing machine it will not open without hitting the cabinet bases overhead when set on a kitchen counter top. There's no open flame so cooking indoors is not an issue and it doesn't stink like a roasted bird does, you have the gas frying down to as many fail safes as you can get it to but the magic of the electric unit is that you drop the basket in, close the lid and you get to walk away from it and do all that *other* stuff instead of the constant oversight the gas needs for temperature regulation.

I love your set up though, the windbreak and temp probes are top shelf gas fryer tech :cheers:
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I love smoked turkey. But this year...had a cold wind keeping my temps down. I had a heck of a time putting the bird on the table on time. Guess I'll have to make the jump to a fried bird next year.
Fried is the way to go as Dan [MENTION=57920]racerxxx[/MENTION] said.. It tastes better and is much juicier than when prepared in the oven.
i have never once tried a fried turkey....(I have had garbage can turkey which is pretty good) I've only done Turkey day at my place once since I moved out of the house, both my parents and in law's are in town so we double up on Turkey day with two massive dinners at their houses, two traditional birds, and I cherry pick the left overs, my job is simple, bring a big relish & veggie tray, and the sportstoss/cornhole game, avoid watching football at all costs by staying in the kitchen bonding with the Mom's.

I have walked by the fry'ers at home depot and stared at them for a couple minutes before finally deciding that I couldn't see any practical use for it yet..... so with that said I must ask...

What else can you use these fryers for ?
What kind of oil do you use and what the hell do you do with it after ?

Also, this thread might be an excellent place to post up some of the Family Favorite Recipes or cool cooking tips that we've all come across over the years. I have a few dishes that I make where I actually call ahead to family members to take orders because they ALL want some of the finished product.

Homemade Meatballs & Sauce
Mexican Taco's
Chicken Soup
Chicken Chili and Beef Chili
Greek Chicken
A bunch of pot luck things like Corn Salsa, Tortellini salad, 7 layer dip, etc...

And a few others... but drawing a blank right now

When I make the above I literally have to make about 15 servings and package them up for Family to come by and grab and save a few servings for myself to munch on or freeze. I used to bring them all over for a big dinner but its easier to just prepare a bunch of tupperwares or freezerbags and my house doesn't get destroyed :) (if you met my brother's you'd understand)

One spice secret that I will share is using Cavenders Greek Seasoning in probably 90% of the dishes I make, I put a little bit of it on pretty much anything but cereal. (Makes amazing Mushrooms)

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Spim, you can fry anything and as much of it as you like in a electric turkey fryer I did 2 bags of the Rally's/Checkers fries and jalapeno poppers in mine for the 'Bama game for company it was a huge hit I love this thing. I think the basket on my XL fryer probably holds more than what one side of a typical commercial fryer basket holds.

There's a drain and valve right on the fryer reservoir with an extension spigot that allows you to drain the oil right back into the container.

Love Cavender's btw, if there was only one seasoning in the cupboard that would be my pick.

Coconut shrimp, coconut chicken, Lobster, crab (both not fried). My buddy did deep fried steak. You can deep fry a ham. The possibilities are ENDLESS. Any thing in oil or water.

This is what I inject with, he gets it dirt cheap. My Bro in law sends it up from NC to me. Actually, I'm getting a shipment this week, my sister was just down visiting. I requested Creole Butter Jalapeno only. If you've ever gotten Southwest style or Santa Fe style turkey at the deli that is exactly what it tastes like.
ok, so hypothetically.
I can cook maybe an 8lb turkey breast in a short time, drain and save the oil for the next use?

I mean, I love turkey, but I never have a bird except for holidays, and the couple of times I tried a smaller breast it didn't turn out that great so I kind of stopped doing it. But If I can occasionally make a nice juicy breast dinner for the two of us then eat sammiches for the next 3 days, well, enough said. Worth a try.

I always had it stuck in my head that unless i was using it again like the next day that the oil got tossed, apparently I was way off.

I scanned the thread but can't find it.. what oil is recommended ?

and ya... Cavenders is the bomb... My sisters husband is a skilled chef, makes ton's of stuff especially deserts from scratch and chit, but she hates his cooking, and loves mine. I've literally told him 10 times to just buy some dam Cavenders because every dish of mine that she raves about has Cavenders in it or on it.
Yes you can reuse the oil. I'll only keep it a year. Every Turkey day I use new oil. I get peanut oil, I believe it had a higher flash point. Like if you cook with olive oil and you get it too hot it gets a bitter taste cause it can't take the high temps.
and hypothetically.. since I bounced over to CL after posting the last post....
is it silly to try with a cheap fryer (there is one for $20 unused, but its the cheap $50 wally world version)

Also, anybody ever try the oil-less infrared ones ? a couple of those for sale too for cheap. I might snatch up both.
Both my fryers are not high dollar. The one is from Targèt at $48. If it was cheap to ship I'd take the pot for $20
ok cool, already left the dude a message, I can maybe pick it up on the way to my bowling league tomorrow evening.

(ya, bowling, that's my new thing)
Bowling....what's your average this season so far? What made you get into this sport?

I've bowled in 2 leagues for many yrs....but left the sport in 99 and never looked back. I was better than the average Joe with my averages going between 173 and 190 over the yrs and different alleys.
really the reason is that the wife and I decided we were getting into a bit of a rut, spending too many friday nights home watching TV off the DVR. We spend a lot of our free time with family and a couple close friends, thought it was time to expand our universe a litte bit (not invite anybody we know) Looked into co-ed softball, and co-ed darts, but no leagues that fit our work schedules, then on a whim we called the bowling alley, they were like ... ya, we have a friday night mixed league AND we have another couple that just moved to town that needs partners, can you come out tomorrow ?

long story short we showed up, rented shoes and a grabbed a house ball, started throwing :)

I sux... I can throw a 165, 95, 140 series.... (average 131) totally inconsistent, but I hadn't bowled since the early 80's.

bought my first ball last week, fingertip grip, so i'm kind of learning from scratch right now, taking a lesson next week since i've now had a few practice games, and want to figure out this new ball.

We're having a blast, its a "family fun night " league, no pressure at all. Nobody on my team has bowled in 20 yrs so we're going to be dangerous in a few weeks as we're all improving gradually. I tend to dive into stuff so i'll be doing a couple lessons, and practicing at least once a week.

back on track..

Picking up the Fryer tonight..... $20 new in box :) (I just love craigslist)
wife thinks i'm crazy but after I cook some stuff up she might back track on her comments.
first turkey will probably be a night next week

This is what she's afraid of :

Try a fresh turkey. Different taste and texture. Roasted a 26 pounder Christmas. Had 8 for dinner and had a gallon storage bag of turkey left over.

Talked to an old lady I transported to The Cleveland Clinic before Christmas. They love it when you talk cooking. They can pass on thier wisdom, maybe for the last time. Told her about my chesse cakes always cracking. She laughed, bake it in a water bath. Make a piping bag out of a baggie for fillings. Small layer cheese mix, pipe filling over it. Another layer etc, till out of filling. Bake and put the rest of filling on top. It came out PERFECT! They all thought I bought it. SCORE!