any reptile owners ( pythons)?


Active Member
I've got a childrens python that seems to be a picky eater the crazy thing wont eat any solid while mice or rats, they have to be in some sort of colour mixture I'm just wondering if anyone else that may have these sort of reptiles has the same issue? ( yes this sounds crazy to me) but its just the way he is :).
DSCN0082a.jpgSkin him, tan him and use as a hatband. Sorry, I could not help myself here. Am not a snake person, but little gopher snake found on my property is my friend; they take care of rodents so I protect them as I can. This one is about 1/4 size of one I found a year or so before. Very pretty snake, looks like some predator took off a piece of his tail.
Ha, ha, ha, hatband!

Shuky, I'm thinking your snake can't see his prey if it's white? I would never have expected this though, I bet he eats if he gets hungry enough and maybe then he learns to go by smell instead of color?

Anyway, I have no experience with pet snakes myself, just the wild black racer types that crawl into my garden tool cart to eat the newborn mice. These snakes can smell them from a good distance, or perhaps hear them I'm not sure. But in spring immediately after the mice are born in that cart these black snakes come out of the woods and get them without delay.

Snake Joke: Jimmy the old snake went to see his optometrist.

"Doc, I need something for my eyes," explained Jimmy. "I can't see well these days." The optometrist fixed Jimmy up with a hip pair of horn-rimmed glasses and told him to come back in a couple of weeks for a follow-up visit."

Twp weeks later Jimmy returns: "I'm very depressed, doc," Jimmy complained.

"What's the problem?" asked the optometrist. "Didn't the glasses help you?"

"The glasses are fine," Jimmy wailed. "But I just discovered I've been sleeping with a water hose the past two years!
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lol @ hatband
I'm not sure really sportster, I've only just inherited this one, I've just came to figure out thought he's racist :). Won't eat any solid white mouse or rat... I've done a bit of looking around but can't really find much info regarding the issue.

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I've got a childrens python that seems to be a picky eater the crazy thing wont eat any solid while mice or rats, they have to be in some sort of colour mixture I'm just wondering if anyone else that may have these sort of reptiles has the same issue? ( yes this sounds crazy to me) but its just the way he is :).

Okay...I'm not a herpetologist. But I did manage to grow a female Burmese Python to 18'...and over a 100lbs. She was as big as my thigh at her widest...head was as big as my hand(from heal to finger tips).

Is your snake wild? What is the "terrain" like in it's aquarium? Are the rodents live?
G'day [MENTION=24976]red2blue[/MENTION]
Nahh hes not wild, he was bought from a reptile shop the terrain in his aquarium is pretty basic has a log to climb up on a couple hiding spots ( box and fake rock with open hole. he's always been fed frozen mice/rats heated in only hot tap water to thaw and warm up the tank stays about 30 degrees celcus at all times.
I have spoken to a reptile place who reckons they have a couple other customers with the same sort of issue but couldn't say why only told me its a bit of a uncommon thing.
Go with live mice....then when the snake gets bigger....rats.

ps...when its feeding time....don't mess with the snake after you've bought the food item and before you've actually fed the snake.. The scent of that rodent on your hands makes them a nice target...(if the snake is hungry)...ask me how I know.

If the snake doesn't eat that mouse right away(with an hr)...he ain't hungry. Might need a spare tank for such times. Once your python gets bigger and is capable of eating rats...don't leave one alive in the snake's cage if he ain't hungry. A big rat when cornered, can fck up a snake who isn't ready to eat.

Keep the snakes habitat clean. Mouth disease is a slow killer. So is pneumonia. Wanna try to give a snake a hypodermic shot of anti-biotics? I's a bit nerve racking.

One last thing....keep an eye out for ticks. The lil buggers will make the poor snake's life miserable. If you see them...a warm water bathing area will keep the lil vampires at bay.
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