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Any common causes for battery drain?

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New Member
Charged battery full yesterday, came to it today roughly 24 hours later and just about dead, 12v lo and struggling to even turn the engine over newtons start it, are there any common causes other than bad battery? I had the battery tested last week and it came up good on the tester even on a load test... I'll probably charge the battery tonight and leave it completely disconnected until tomorrow to double check if it's the bat or not, in the mean time is there anything else I should look for?

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Charged battery full yesterday, came to it today roughly 24 hours later and just about dead, 12v lo and struggling to even turn the engine over newtons start it, are there any common causes other than bad battery? I had the battery tested last week and it came up good on the tester even on a load test... I'll probably charge the battery tonight and leave it completely disconnected until tomorrow to double check if it's the bat or not, in the mean time is there anything else I should look for?

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

maybe a short in the wiring harness.. i had a similar problem.. something is getting a constant if the battery is tested fine..

with no keys on the machine take a look at the dash and see if it will pop up like you turned the machine on every 15 seconds or so.

but im willing to bet the battery is bad.
I'm thinking it might be too, the info center stays off until turned on via stop/start

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
I'm multimeterless ATM or I would lol the loom I inspected visually when I did the fuel lines and fuel pick up, I know the hours on the info centre display as ---- though as opposed to say 150h maybe there is a short somewhere creating a circuit related to this?

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Quick look at the wiring and it appears my gsx has a gtx wiring loom, the only major difference I can see under the storage compartment apart from subtle colour differences in some of the wires (mine are same as gtx infocrntre loom) I have a black/red which isn't connect and not present on the gsx wiring loom however it should be grounded according to the gtx schematic so I'm assuming at some point this has already had another infocentre fitted I'm assuming this is grounded for a reason on the gtx infocentre?

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Grounding this wire enables MPH/av MPH/Max MPH options on infocentre

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
A common part that causes a draw on the battery is the rectifier that is located in the electrical box up front. Unplug the red wire going to the rectifier. If the draw goes away replace the rectifier. :cheers:
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