another RAVE question....

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I know this topic of the RAVE valve has been beat to death and I just read 50+ posts and didnt see my exact issue.

I just replaced my grey fuel lines with new lines and cleaned my Rave valves while I was at it. While cleaning the valves I noticed both red caps were set differently. One was set almost flush and the other almost all the way in. After reading the posts here I set both all the way in. Is it normal that these would be different? I dont recall which valve was set which way either to turn back.

I did also clean the water reg but didnt adjust that cap. Today I took the ski out(97 GTX) and although my previous fuel hesitation issue is gone.. I have no top end speed, at WOT around 6500rpm, then like a Rocket booster, I can feel the valves open and the rpms hit around 7k and we take off. Feels a lot like turbo lag on my wrx sti, only no 5th gear wheel spin.... Prior to these adjustments my throttle response was smooth through out the range.

Does anyone have the factory settings for the caps handy? What should the setting be for the water reg cap in case I did change it somehow by accident.

Thanks again
The water regulator will change when the water injection starts to spray into the exhaust. IIRC, mine is IN, and both my caps are OUT on the engine. Whatever you do, make sure your engine RAVE caps are set the SAME.
Thanks. Do you know if there is a stock setting from the factory or is this going to be a tune by feel setting? I have a feeling this is going to take some time to get right. I know my valves were set differently before.

If this is wrong, is there a reason the previous owner would have set them differently? It did run through the RPM range very smoothly before, maybe compensating for something? I haven't checked the compression yet?
Thanks. Do you know if there is a stock setting from the factory or is this going to be a tune by feel setting? I have a feeling this is going to take some time to get right. I know my valves were set differently before.

If this is wrong, is there a reason the previous owner would have set them differently? It did run through the RPM range very smoothly before, maybe compensating for something? I haven't checked the compression yet?

standard setting on the raves is flush with the black cap. your delayed thrust is because you turned them all the way in. try them flush
hello glad we are on the subject i pulled my raves out last night couple of questions no spring on top of one, will this keep rave from opening
or closeing? also do you clean out bellows or leave crud in what is torque on plastic cap with bellows? and do you have to replace zip ties?
hello glad we are on the subject i pulled my raves out last night couple of questions no spring on top of one, will this keep rave from opening
or closeing? also do you clean out bellows or leave crud in what is torque on plastic cap with bellows? and do you have to replace zip ties?

without the spring your valve will be open all the time. Order a new spring.
I wipe out the bellows with a rag, the cleaner you are using is probably not good for the rubber.
I just turn by hand til snug, keep in mind it is plastic.
makes sense to replace the ties while you are in there depending on condition? are they on the top or bottom of the bellows. Stock there is nothing around the bottom of the bellows but some people add zip ties, have to be careful they dont wear a hole in the bellows. The top of the bellows comes stock with an expanadable spring, yours may have been replaced with a zip tie. if so, make sure you use one small enough to fit the groove without wearing on the rubbber
Hey jake we have the same ski and you say your are flush with the top wow mine are all the way in on my 97 and i get great throttle response with it and can run to 7k in a fraction of a second wiered huh. As for your question "ricks" yes you need the spring at the top of the valve without it your valves will open differently and you will have a lack of performance is this the same ski you were having trouble with before? and to "RKSNOW1" set your raves all the way flush with the black cap and see if it makes a difference the previous owner may not have had any reason for setting them the way he did he may have not known what he was doing and just threw it back together
hay Brock new i needed spring just wondering what it would cause? yes it is the 96 spx that will run when you hit wave hard also the billows holder for lack of better word was loose on rave with no spring wordering other was tight? what would spring do if this cover is tight??
thanks everone
thanks jake still has outer retaing spring getting new top spring as i ask in other post lost on how this top spring would do anything if billows cap is tight??
Hey jake we have the same ski and you say your are flush with the top wow mine are all the way in on my 97 and i get great throttle response with it and can run to 7k in a fraction of a second wiered huh. As for your question "ricks" yes you need the spring at the top of the valve without it your valves will open differently and you will have a lack of performance is this the same ski you were having trouble with before? and to "RKSNOW1" set your raves all the way flush with the black cap and see if it makes a difference the previous owner may not have had any reason for setting them the way he did he may have not known what he was doing and just threw it back together

my skis always ran well with them flush so I never experimented with different settings, maybe someday I'll experiment a little. With yours all the way in, what is the adjustment on your water regulator?
Ill have to check i cant remember off the top of my head and im at work right now got a 10 hour day ahead of me. But anyway i get amazing throttle respones and horsepower at both low and top end you should give it a try and ill let you no what to set the water regulator t in a little while k
thanks jake still has outer retaing spring getting new top spring as i ask in other post lost on how this top spring would do anything if billows cap is tight??

the billows cap being tight jsut threads it onto the top of the rave valve, without the spring on top of the valve, the exhaust pressure will open the rave. with one spring missing, I'm guessing your ski would run a bit strange since the 2 cylinders would not be on the same page so to speak.
I don't mess too much w/the water reg, but adjusting the RAVEs varies when they open. both should be set the same. you don't want one to open before the other.

Stock on my XP they open at 3,500 RPM and jump the engine (with little more throttle) to 4,500 RPM.

tightening them makes them open at a higher RPM, and would push it to opening at 4,000 RPM and jumping to 5k.

loosening them makes them open at a lower RPM

when pulling a skier we usually tighten them down a bit, so the driver has more control in the 3,000 to 4,000 RPM range... this causes them to not open and not jump up in RPM, so I can tow at the speed I want (on my GTX)

too tight and they open too late to be of use, too loose and u get no low end grunt... so it's personal preference...
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