akarm problem

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New Member
on my 97 gti It new to me and I rode it on the 4th of july and the alarm wasn't sounding on it like the gtx when starting . I though I had to replace the beeper. well today I was going to take it for a spin and it began working a steady alarm I can put the lanyard on and once it starts I get a steady tone even once the oil light goes off. the oil if near full and gas is a half tank, what could be the problem?

just looked at it again when I put the cap on it gave a steady beep started motor the oil light went out motor shut off and the beep stoped. then take the cap of and put it back on and I was getting a half ass tried to sound beep its didn't beep it was a steady tone when it did sound but if I rotated the kill cap it seems to be affecting it tying to beep
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Check and see if the wire to the temp. sensor has come loose and is connecting to ground.

I think I found my problem
even though I saw after it wasn't for my sji I tried it and it worked
it was one ling beep so I cleaned the inside of the cap and the post connections seems ok again. to late for a ride now as the thunderstorms are rolling in. have to wait till tomorrow
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lou , I went back and looked at it , I tried grounding the heat sensor and got nothing so ended up digging into the beeper thinking it may be bad.
well I opened it up and it was stuck and it began a constant beeeep when I dess cap was in place. to I unplugged the temp sensor and the constant beep stopped but I am biw getting the beep beep when the dess cap is installed. so im going to replace the heat temp sendor thanks for making me look at it , the beeper may need replacing also
Lou with a good temp sensor removing the plug would silence or trigger the alarm? I took the wire s off and it silenced it. Thinking bad sender unit

Oh and this with a cold motor sitting on the bunks in my sigpic .
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