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99 Seadoo GTI starting issues and 03 GTI LE RFI won’t accelerate and lurches

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I recently switched gas on 03 GTI LE RFI to premium cleaned throttle control, and added a little seafoam. It ran good when I took it out last week. Took it out today and it started lurching, wouldn’t get above 30 mph, and when I brought it back in harbor I was at full throttle and it wouldn’t go above 8mph. It runs fine and did before I switched fuel and added Sea Foam. Could that be problem or is carb dirty?

99 Seadoo GTI won’t turn over. Fuses are good, battery is new, plugs are new, MPEM is new. It does start on occasion but when I stop ski it won’t start again. Read it may be starter relay. I ordered a new one. Any other suggestions what it may be.
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