my first trip out this year was to the river. we rode for about 20 miles with no probles and then it starting bogging and shut off at wot as we were trying too catch up with the other riders but would run fine at mid range. so what ive done so far is 1st cleaned both carbs did not find much* , changed plugs runs fine out of water in water it would run 100 yards and shut off. 2nd i install new carb kits and needle valves pop off pressure was 22 on tear down and rebuild , replaced grey fuel lines , cleaned filter and fuel selsctor (which was completly gumed up) on water it bogged a bit comming off idle at 1/2 throttle had a little surgeing* 3/4 throttle ran fine. i stoped* and made a low speed adjustment a few times with no improvment. went back to the dock and it started* bogging right off idle and shut off . so now ive cleaned the rave valves. and have not been back too water yet. is there any thing else i would need too look at. thanks