99 GSX RFI engine power problem

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Hello, I just bought a 1999 GSX RFI seadoo and i think theres a problem with it. Today i was riding at the beach for a good 4 hours to test drive it for the first time. I noticed when i accelerate it takes time before it catches speed.. And when i put someone on my jet ski me... It barley as power.. i would accelerate fully it was smoking alot and it would stuggle to even go 15... And when i was alone it went maybe 55 But it should be faster cause my friend has the same stock jet ski and motor .. And there was 2 person on the jet ski and it was going faster then mines, me being alone on it. Is there something broken that i have to repair on the motor? to give it more power? At take off and maybe at top end. Hope you guys could help me out.
Do the rpm's go up like they should, but it just doesn't have any power or speed? If so it sounds like it might need a wear ring in the jet pump. If the wear ring is worn out it won't be sealed tight and loose the thrust it needs. Look at the ring around the impeller if the gap around the impeller is more than say a 1/4" than it might need a new one. If it is gouged up pretty good or has deep scratches, is a sure sign it will need to be replaced too. It isn't hard to replace and lots of members have replaced their own. Check it first by looking from the rear of the pump assy., and from under the seadoo to see the condition of the wear ring. If it's bad we can get you in the right direction to replace it. Check it first, and we'll go from there.

The ring around the impeller looks good. But now this morning i started engine.. had it running for 1 min.. Turned it off.. for 40 secs.. then tried to start it again and it wouldnt start.. All you hear is a clack nose... clack clack clack. when you hold the starting button. I think the previous problem with power and stuff has to do with my engine.. being that now it dont start :(.. Now its going to cost me more money to fix.
If the wear ring is ok than it must be something in the engine. Is the noise just something you hear when it turns over with the starter? Pull the plugs and see what they look like. If they look light brown, that's a good sign. if there are metal particles on them that's not a good sign. It means the engine has problems internally. On the rear of the engine is a rubber boot around the impeller shaft. loosen the clamp and slip if off the shaft so you can turn it by hand. With the spark plugs out it should turn over freely. If it turns over freely that is a good thing. It might be the starter that is making the noise. Don't use the starter till you check those above things first. If the engine doesn't turn freely then it is a major internal problem. Do these things first and come back and post you findings. Then we will give you a better direction to go to see what the problem is.

Click or clack?

Does it click whenever you push the start button? If so, if your faimilar with starter solenoids, does it sound like the click of the starter solenoid, or is it a clacking noise from within the engine?
Speed?....I'd still check the wearing ring very closely and if that checks out good, then a pressure test on your fuel rail and compression test on your cylinders would be the next step.
almost sound like a conecting clacker. but I do not think so as it was runing a few seconds earlyer. And I would think he would of mentioned the clacking when it was runing. does this have rave valves? is there something goin on there?
Im a super noob with jetski.. I think im going to take it somewhere to fix cause i might things worst lol.. The battery i think is already dying out and the clack noise sound was from the rear of the jetski.. I was thinking it might be the starter but im not sure.. I tried to start it like 4 times and one time the engine tried to work, but it didnt start... Then all you hear is the same clack noise not where the motor is but maybe around the ending of my seat to the rear side.

It does sound like your solenoid but with the other problems you described, especially the smoke, it may be a good idea to take it in. If you have any knowledge or apptitude to trouble shoot yourself, then you could probably save a ton of money.......you know it's gonna cost, just for the to bring it in the shop
Ya i know its gonna be costy.. But thanks alot for your time. You guys are awesome giving advices. Ill come back when its something smaller that i could handle lol.. Take care guys.
I remember when i was flushing my jet ski on sunday night after using it at the beach i washed it and wet the motor like my friend said to wash off the sand. then on monday morning i turned it on and i seen water come out of the jet pump.. maybe i didnt fully flush it fully on sunday.. Then when i turned it off.. And 1 min later try to turn it on.. it didnt wanna crank on.. You think maybe the water stored since sunday mess up something in my engine and cause it to not turn on? i just remembered.

No, water coming out of the pump is normal.
Your not being very descriptive at all. What happens when you put your lanyard cap on? Do you get 2 beeps? And if so, what happens when you push the start/stop button? Does the engine try to engage at all, or is there just a "click" sound? Is it only one click, for each time you push the button or is there several clicks?
A little more description as to your probems would be great. Think about everything it was doing before you put it away and what it's doing now, that your having a problem. I think I remember you say it was smoking really badly.
Yes i get 2 beeps when i put my lanyard cap on which i believe its a good sign to start your engine. When i push the start button today, It sound to me like the engine was trying to turn on, but it was a one time sound. I hold the start button and just one time the engine sound like it tried to start and no noise after that while holing the start button. But since i tried to turn it on a couple of times now. i believe the battery is drained. Which is why i was thinking to use a battery pack jumper. Cause now when i put my lanyard cap on.. It keeps beeping. As far as the clicking noise i did hear that on monday without the engine trying to start. There was one time where it was one click and one time when it was multi click sounds without the engine trying to even start. but today it did sound like the engine moved once and did nothing after. Im not sure if i need a new battery to maybe get more power for it to start.
Just to add an extra comment. I also changed a fuse today that was blown a 15 A from the electrical box from the rear side. But my operatior's guide said it should be a 20 a fuse. So i corrected it.. But i think my battery is to weak to even see if maybe that was the problem of why it wasnt starting. And the clicking sound did kinda sound like it was from the rear side by where the electrical box somewhere around there. Just giving you more ideas of whats going on.

Yes, it does sound like you got a drained battery. If it's an old battery, then it's not going to hold your charge. If it isn't that old, and it's going dead, then your charging circuit in the ski might be bad. Which is usually the rectifier/regulator.
You can use the jump pack, or a battery from a car. Just don't use another 12 volt source that has a generator or alternator running. I'm going to check on that fuse, because you went up on the amps, so I just want to make sure your still protected.
The RFI engine needs a lot of electrical power to run. The clicks you heard are no doubt the starter solenoid. That doesn't mean they are bad though. It could simply mean you don't have enough cranking amps in your batter to run your ski.
MORE INFO:....I checked the electrical drawing, on the rear electrical box, there are 2-20 amp fuses, both go to the starter solenoid (which is where your hearing your clicking noise). One has a red wire leading to it and the other end going to the solenoid. The other 20 amp fuse has the red/purple wire going to the solenoid also.
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I took my battery to the auto parts and they said its a good battery.. Just dying out.. So i got myself a battery charger. its charging right now so ill give you the heads up tomarrow. Hopefully it was the bad fuse i changed and that gets my jet ski to start up and with a charge battery hopefully it starts up.. I might also try to really check that wear ring from the impeller to see if thats the reason why i wasnt getting enough power to take 2 people on the jet ski.. Whats the easiest way to check that? If you have time to tell me that would be helpful. Thanks for all the tips you guys giving me.
Multi tester?

First thing you need to do after you get that battery charged is check your electrical charging system. Do you have an multi-tester meter? If so, when you put the battery back in, you need to start it. As soon as it starts, check the current on your battery post. You should have 14 vdc, or a tad bit over. If your hovering around 12 or a little over, then you've got a charging problem.
Then we'll go over the wearing ring. Lets just get you running again.
Well really i was the one who drained the battery power...:ack: cause i kept trying to start it up and showing my friend the problem of the jet ski.. I know the jet ski would keep it charged once its running cause if not i would of been in the middle of the ocean on sunday lol. But i changed that blown fuse which maybe was the problem of why it didnt start. But ill give you the heads up tomarrow since everybody sleeping around here :redface:
And another question my friend since he knows about jet ski i let him do stuff to it.. he said it was good to put a little bit of oil in my fuel tank for my jet ski for my carbs or something. But mines is fuel injection and his isnt. You you think by him doing what he did to my jet ski it might mess up something? i mean he put a little bit of oil but still im not sure if even a little might mess up my jet ski since its fuel injection?
Sweet... My jet ski started with the battery charged. It was prob that burnt fuse on my rear electrical box that i changed.:cheers:... Now that thats down.. We can go back to my main problem which i think they said my impeller wear ring or something. Whats the easiest way to check it.
Look in the jet pump assy from the rear through the pump nozzle assy. It should be a tight fit around the impeller to the jet pump assy. It it looks likes it's gouged or scratched pretty good, the wear ring will need replacement. If the gap is visually like 1/4 wide that it will need replacement also as the pump needs to have very little Clarence to give the most thrust.

Ya i think i might have to change that. it does look like it has a pretty decent size gap from the ring. Is this hard to change? Or could you explain to me what i need to change it and so on. Also.. it kinda makes a rattle noise from around the jet point i think something is a little lose or is it a normal noise?
Rattling noise....

That noise is normal from the Sea-Doo's while on land. When I first got mine, I thought the bearing were going bad, well, I replaced them and it still did it. Then, I found out, they all do it!........
Your inspection and replacement of the wearing ring is pretty simple. Look at the back any you'll have 4 bolts that hold on the reverse bucket and all the linkage to the nozzle. You take that off. Then, you'll have 4 nuts that hold it onto the hull. Make sure, you reach inside and dis-connect the water inlet hose before you pull it. It's basically that simple.
The only real special tool you'll need to replace the wearing ring is the impeller removal tool.....about $12 bucks, I think. Get it when you order the tool. And if your pump end uses the synthetic pump oil, you'll need a 6 oz bottle of that too. So go ahead and grab that.
If you do the repair yourself, should be $75 or less, depending on where you get your parts from. At a shop, about 3 or 4 hundred.........
Let us know what you decide!....there are several threads in the forum on this procedure. You really need to have the manual to do this, to make sure you do it right. But if you don't, I'm sure you can get it done by asking for help through the forum. It's really not that hard!
Heres a couple of pictures i took of the inside of my jet pump im not sure if you could tell if the impeller is too gaped.. But where the light is shining is just about the size of the gap

Theres 3 pics.. Im taking a picture of it with a real camera later on.
But im not sure if you could see with these pics if its the wear ring
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