98 XP possible electrical problem

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So I had my battery on a trickle charger (the kind that stays connected to the battery full time, you just plug it in to the charger). Since my battery was still connected while it was charging, I put my key in to check the fuel. It beeped for a second then went completely dead. I traded batteries with the other ski and replaced all the CB's (they looked slightly corroded, but good) and still the same--dead. Any ideas? Did I fry something as AC power from my garage was connected to the battery AND the ski as I charged up the battery in the ski?
yeah maybe. Where the 2-red cables go into, you'll see the rela. Bolted to relay, theres a fuse holder, doesnt look like one, but it is, and theres a 15amp in there.
No luck with any of the CBs, I checked and replaced them all and it's still dead. Did I fry something or did the key switch just decide it was time to die?
No, I have a black electrical box under the front cover, but the mepm cb is on the opposite corner of the front storage area
I checked all three fuses on the mepm (there are actually 6, but 3 are spares). Also checked the fuses in the coil housing. Does anyone think I fried my mepm?
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