I purchased a 98 Sportster the marina replaced a a gear to help with the idle speed just prior to me picking it up. I did a test run with them prior to this work being done and the boat performed flawless. I took it out today and it was a dog................ I started out slow and got up to plane and started to open it up. The engine seemed to rev and it felt as if the pump was caveatting. I would back down to 1/2 throttle and she would run fine. I moved people around figuring it was a weight problem but no change. I took everyone out of the boat and went out solo. She ran great. I added one person at a time and finally was able to run up to speed with all four of us in the boat. I slowed down at one point and she bogged down I was able to slow nurse the throttle up to full speed. I then tried to do some tubing forget it back to no power. We called it a day I pulled it from the water. I noticed alot of soot around the exhaust. I pulled both plugs and found one to be to be really fouled. I will change plugs and retry. I will be contacting the marina when they are open on Tuesday. Any suggestions???