Thank you for the advice. The jelly like stuff was in the cooling jackets of the cylinders not the crankcase, Even the water supply fitting on the cylinder cover was plugged with it, not sure what it is. I‘be hot w couple things rolling around in my head, no of which are brains. Those are standard bore pistons, except for ring end gap, everything is within spec. There’s a bit of wear on the PTO cylinder but still within Spec and the Mag cylinder is near the top end of the spectrum in Spec so I’m debating whether to just hone them and instal new standard pistons and rings or just have them bored 1 size over. Another thing I noticed is there doesn’t seem to be any chamfer on the ports, I’m not experienced enough to know for sure, but they seem to be pretty sharp edges on them. I don’t have any doubt that the motor would be healthy with a hone and new pistons and rings, I try not to be a hack but when there within spec it hard to spend the money if not needed. If they were out of spec. I would definitely be getting them bored. I think I will look over the measurements again to double check and call Hurricane Performance who is a local shop here and see what they would charge for a bore and hone and just a hone, that may help me decide. I’ve been looking up about honing on the internet and there’s a few guys I’ve came across that really seam to know what they are doing, they are going up one size with a course hone on a drill press, can’t remember what that type of hone is called but.... not sure vin going to get one, but at least going to do a bit of research, I’ve also seen the fine grit ball hones to finish up with, and chamfering bc the ports with a diamond bit on a dremel first, ball hone de burrs the chamfer. No the crank looks great, not a spec of rust, no discolouration, inner and outer seals are good, axial play is good, no movement or noise so I’m pretty confident it’s good. I will give it all some thought, I’m in big rush, as long as it’s on the water by September 5th,

I so appreciate the advice, I’m going to flush that crank out with some 2 stroke oil and lightly blow it out. I always dump a whole bunch of oil in them when I first get them, if they are going to sit for awhile till I get to them, so it had lots of lubrication down there. On another note, what’s your plans for that speedster? Is it a keeper?