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97 xp won't start? doesn't beep

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New Member
It started no problem last year, I had it winterized and then it ended up staying in a heated parking all winter. I put a new battery in it today and it won't start. When I put the key on it used to beep 2 times, now nothing happens. If I push the start the gauges move then it lets a long beep out and nothing else happens after. wont turn over.
the battery is fully charged and the keys are clean, is it possible they lost the code over the winter with no battery
clean the terminal ends at starter. Check the cables for brakage, especially under the heat-shrink, and also check the ground cable and ends. If all good, jump the relay, see what happens.

check ur connections and cables, then if all good/clean, and still doing it, think the relay, needs reppalced.
It started no problem last year, I had it winterized and then it ended up staying in a heated parking all winter. I put a new battery in it today and it won't start. When I put the key on it used to beep 2 times, now nothing happens. If I push the start the gauges move then it lets a long beep out and nothing else happens after. wont turn over.

alright stud...didnt read it right, thought they "moved" (the gauges..etc) when landyard installed.

Try using an eraser on the ring post, and lightly on metal "tang" in landyard..
ok i went to the dealer today to try and program the keys. The computer wouldn't connect to the seadoo. then he tried another key and it wouldn't beep. he said it isn't my keys its something else, but there so busy they didnt have time to check more into it. any other ideas
I checked the post and it is good. we check the wires from the post to the computer and there good. still nothing works.
I just checked all the fuses again and its all good. I tested the 5amp fuse and the is 12v. I tested at the starter relay and i have 12v. I'm running out of ideas. I'm starting to think the computer is bad but I would hate to buy one and it still wont start.
post check

How did you test the lanyard post? just test the wires from post to computer? I think this is more than an open close circuit.

I am not sure what a good post test would be. I was thinking though with the lanyard having a key on it wouldnt the post have to be able to read this key and pass it to the mpem for processing/make sure its valid? Not sure what is involved in that part but I would think more than the old school lanyards and posts.

If you could get a post off a running ski to test that would be nice.
i would have to order one. I dont know what else it could be other then the post or computer. I would hate to spend that much and it isnt it.
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